Sometimes you wonder why there is a psychological war. In my opinion it's hard to be a woman in the world,it's hard to be a woman in Turkey not only in our sector but it's hard to be a woman in another sectors too, unfortunately sometimes they hit you from this point,they hit you because you are a woman and when this happens you say "one moment, what's going on" and you start thinking at this moment how can I protect myself because in an instant moment you're like little sparrow and sometimes when you want you're so strong like you can beat a lion and you start thinking now how I should react what I should do. our sector is cruel psychological wars gender wars happens very often and I always want peace and love, as a woman you can overcome in this cruel industry, if one has a problem with other they should share with each other and solve their problems by talking,understanding but sometimes you say I really want to get off from this "ship" and I also had moment like this and then I said to myself "you did not grow up in a golden bed, you always were struggling and fighting for your right" I also had the same moment when I "ran" and failed, I fought many times till blood steam did not come out from my fingers, there were moments when I slumped hard on the ground and had no hope of getting up and because of this I motivated myself for not getting of from the "ship" I experienced cruelty of this industry and told myself that you can't do this to yourself and I fought many times. you need to trust yourself, self respect is the most important we need to discover our own strength, we all are human and we can do anything we want