Xavier Dolan when he was fifteen. Xavier and Anne were working in the same building, both doing french dubbing for different films. Xavier overheard Anne working, and walked into the recording room and told her he was a big of hers. He also told her he had written a script about a young gay man who is approached by an angel who helps him come to terms with his sexuality. The film was to be called Pink Angel. Xavier soon after sent her the script, wanting her to play a lead role in it, but nothing came of it. Anne has been quoted saying that the script was like eight films in one, and wasn't very good. Xavier kept sending Anne scripts over the next few years, but they weren't very good, and were never made. Then, one day, Xavier called Anne and told her he had another script (
I Killed My Mother (2009)) that he wanted her to read, told her this time that he knew his previous scripts weren't very good, but that this one was going to be the first film he would make for real, and he pleaded with her to read it. She was hesitant at first but agreed to read it, and ended up loving it. Thus began a great working relationship and friendship.