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- Ein ehrlicher Polizist versucht, positive Veränderungen in einer Stadt zu erreichen, die von einem kriminellen Schlägertypen schikaniert wird.
- Ein hoffnungsloser Waise, verkörpert seinen toten Mitreisenden für seinen Bildungszweck und gerät in Schwierigkeiten.
- Two lawyers battle it out in a case and in life.
- The socially responsible Dr.Salim faces criticism and seclusion at work due to his upright nature. In addition to this, when his relationship with Nisha falls apart, he is driven to do something he wouldn't normally do.
- Dinesh, a software engineer, is brought to a psychiatrist by his boss after he seems mentally disturbed. His life turns worse when the voice in his head tells him to kill himself.
- A rich businessman chooses to lead the life of a homeless beggar for a period of 48 days in the hopes that he could cure his mother, who is on the brink of death.
- After losing his father to a bunch of scheming politicians, a young man decides to wade into the corrupt and unscrupulous world of politics to avenge his death.