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- This is a story of love, forgiveness, and about how listening to their inner selves marked the lives of 3 friends, who met at the height of their respective professions, and their transit through life for 20 years.
- Camilo, un obrero de construcción se idea la manera de robar un banco como en las películas americanas, contando con la ayuda de el negro su asistente, se dan a la tarea de ejecutar el plan perfecto. Al llegar al banco no todo sale como ocurre en las películas, y un simple robo se convierte en una toma de rehenes, dando la situación un giro inesperado donde el espectador se preguntará quien es el verdadero ladrón. English Version. The Tieves Synopsis. Camilo, a construction worker, he has an idea how to rob a bank like American films, with the help of the "El Negro" his construction assistant. Camilo had an idea to the task of executing the perfect plan. When you reach the bank not everything goes as in the movies, and a simple robbery turns into a hostage-taking, giving an unexpected turn the situation where the viewer is asked who is the real thief.
- I love food and travel. I've been all over the world, and all over the country. Everywhere I go, I seek out those out of the way places that are doing special things in the kitchen. Join me and let's explore what is happening in Houston.