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1-14 sur 14
- Dutch television adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's play "Saint Joan".
- Rino (11) is a fanatic competitive swimmer. His younger brother Nik (9) is his biggest fan, but he can't come and watch because it's too hot for him in the pool. Nik has a muscle disease and is in a wheelchair. So while there are many activities that they cannot share, their bond is strong. For example, while playing war with friends in the street, his little brother is not a sniper - you have to run for that - but Nik acts as the tank. He also turns out to be a great keeper, a gifted fisherman and the best spinner. This loving story about two super close brothers shows that you can play just fine with someone who can do a little less.
- Laura (14) tells about the eternal friendship with her best friend Anne who died of leukemia.
- How is it if your best friend died at the flight disaster in Tripoli last year? Joep (9) from Mook must continue to live without Stijn, his best friend with whom he always did everything together.
- Four kids go on an investigation to find answers to life's big questions.