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- Un musicista depresso si ricongiunge con la donna che ama ma il loro amore, che dura già da diversi secoli, viene interrotto dall'arrivo dell'incontrollabile sorella minore di lei.
- James e Danielle si incontrano in vacanza e si innamorano. Lei sta andando nell'oscuro fondale del Nord Atlantico per trovare la vita. Lui sta andando in Somalia per trovare un terrorista ma ottiene una cella oscura.
- A tribute to the late German choreographer Pina Bausch, as her dancers perform her most famous creations.
- Un giorno, uno scrittore di nome Tomas guida senza meta nella periferia della città in seguito a una lite domestica di poco conto, causando involontariamente la morte di un bambino. Riuscirà a superare l'accaduto e ad andare avanti?
- A ruthless pyromaniac is on the loose in a southern village of Norway. They don't know he's not a stranger, but one of them. We follow him, the fire brigade chief's own son, spreading fear in secret.
- A beautiful summer day. A garden. A terrace. A woman and a man sit at a table beneath the trees, with a soft summer wind. In the distance, in the vast plain, the silhouette of Paris. A conversation begins: questions and answers between the woman and the man. It deals with sexual experiences, childhood, memories, the essence of summer and the difference between men and women. It illustrates both, feminine perspective and masculine perception. In the background, inside the house that opens onto the terrace, on the woman and the man: the writer, in the process of imagining this dialogue and typing it down. Or is it the other way around? Might it be that those two characters over there tell him what he's putting down on paper: a long, final dialogue between a man and a woman?
- Dopo che lo stile di vita selvaggio di un famoso giovane fotografo tedesco lo ha quasi fatto uccidere, va a Palermo, in Sicilia, per prendersi una pausa.
- Papa Francesco viagga per il mondo parlando con persone bisognose, trasmettendo un messaggio di speranza.
- Six directors tackle the question "If buildings could talk, what would they say about us?" by capturing iconic buildings with narration from the perspective of the buildings.
- The film revolves around the relationship of two teenage sisters in one of Egypt's Nile Delta cities, one of them holds a secret life in the virtual world.
- A middle-aged policeman tired of the corruption and bureaucracy finds himself in a terrible dilemma after he tries to save an innocent man.
- Wolf is a lonely boy who surrounds himself by a world that responds to his desires. He brings Clara, the girl he loves, inside this world but when he can't be sure if she is still real or become imaginary he feels trapped and wants to escape.