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- Una vedova a Parigi viene tormentata da vari personaggi che voglio impossessarsi di una fortuna apparentemente rubata dal suo defunto marito.
- L'epico documentario racconta la storia dell'Olocausto attraverso gli occhi dei testimoni, sia i colpevoli che i sopravvissuti.
- Le avventure di Napoleone nella battaglia di Austerlitz, dove ottenne la più grande vittoria della sua carriera, sui russi.
- Scopri i diversi modi di amare ai tempi della rivoluzione sessuale.
- Sophie, una giovane donna volubile, scopre che il suo ragazzo ha intenzione di lasciarla per un'altra. Decide di riconquistarlo o di assassinare la sua rivale. Un bel dottore, che si sta innamorando di lei, la aiuta.
- Saint-Maurice, un comune villaggio tranquillo, viveva in modo sano, tanto che lo studio del medico locale era scarso. Ma questo avvenne prima che il dottor Parpalaid andasse in pensione e fosse sostituito da un ciarlatano di nome Knock.
- Faced with climate change, many countries have embarked on the energy transition. Since the COP21 in 2015, which set demanding targets for reducing greenhouse gases, green energies have been on the rise. The electric car has thus become the mascot of this revolution. But manufacturers remain discreet about the carbon footprint of their cars marked "zero emission". Because not only do they consume electricity that is not always clean, but they also consume rare metals such as cobalt or lithium, the extraction of which causes havoc on the other side of the world. In China, for example, champion of rare metals, in Heilongjiang province, a carpet of toxic dust covers agricultural regions.
- In Tijuana, 30,000 Mexicans are deported from the United States each years. Some have lived for decades in USA, had a job, paid taxes, started a family. With the migration policy driven by Donald Trump, Mexico is experiencing a huge wave of repatriations. Fathers and mothers who had lived in the United States for decades are now separated from their children.
- A film version of author Gilles Perrault's best-selling book about the 1976 trial and execution of Christian Ranucci, the youth who was convicted with extremely inconclusive evidence of murdering an eight-year-old girl in Southern France. The publicity the book and film helped abolish capital punishment in France in 1981.
- Just when Rene Bousquet thinks of leading a peaceful life, his controversial past resurfaces, and he is prompted to prepare his defense for a case that had ruined his career.
- Bailo, Egbal, Anas, David, Sophia, Hervé, Chérif and a few others have three things in common: they fled their native countries (Guinea, Sudan, Nigeria, The Democratic Republic of the Congo) where they were in danger; they passed through the detention and torture camps of Libya; they now find themselves in Conques, a French village in Occitania. They are hosted there by the association Limbo, which offers them a period of resilience. Unable to heal from their trauma by talking the young migrants are given an original opportunity to express their pains and get back on their feet: by writing and performing songs.
- For the 1,120 Continental workers, the closure of the plant came as a shock! Determined to face up to their destiny, they decide to do battle alone against the mighty multinational. They used every possible means, avoided all the traps and learned a lot about themselves. The human adventure goes beyond news headlines, revealing a tribe facing a challenge where their livelihoods are at stake. Their view of work, society and the crisis is both pertinent and lucid. Part documentary, part fiction, they play their own roles.
- On July 30, 2024, Mohamed VI celebrates the 25th anniversary of his reign in style. Who is this so-called secret monarch? How did he gradually impose his vision and projects? Under his reign, Morocco became an African political and economic power. How did he manage to transform his country in this way? For his people, is it a miracle or a mirage?
- It's June 1945. The Second World War has ended, and many French nationals like Marion return from concentration camps in Germany, or forced labor. Marion should consider herself lucky, since many never returned. Hoping to make up for lost time, she reconnects with her best friend Pierre. Pierre is living with Julie whom he cares for as a sister. Marion and Pierre go to a special wedding - that of Georges and Italian beauty Anna. They had met each other in the summer of 1944 during the Liberation of Paris. Georges becomes a permanent Communist party member. His commitment to the party and its causes earn him well-deserved promotions rapidly. Meanwhile, Anna is about to give birth to little Francesca. Another principal character's life and career are taking off along with the Communist Party. This is François, who is also making good profits with the increasing sales of the party-sanctioned "Humanité" newspaper. Scarred by her wartime suffering, the torture and treachery, Marion is doubtful about re-embracing the Communist ideals. Before she takes any important steps, she needs to find herself again, renew her ideals, her faith and the will to live. Twenty-some years in the lives of these "comrads" - between 1944 and the May 1968 riots tell a composite story or history lesson of post WWII French politics focusing on the left wing movements. As individual inter-personal alliances and divisions common in those times occur, the broader picture of compromises, agreements and internal divisions of the left-wing in France unfolds in this three part miniseries.
- A biographical documentary about Albert Camus and his relevance today.
- Five-part mini-series about the terror attacks of November 13, 2015, in Paris, France.
- Louis is a 27-year-old reservist and patriot, as is his childhood friend and longtime rival Bastien, who sees the war, like everything else, as an opportunity. One night, as their unit sleeps near the front, they're bombed. Louis and his comrades fall back in disarray and in the general panic lose their regiment. When they locate it again a few hours later, their general accuses them of desertion.
- This is the story of a Greek physician who collects pendants and bracelets. This is the story of an Italian woman who has been fighting for 15 years to «make bodies talk.» This is the story of those who watch over the forgotten migrants.
- About three billions tons of chemical and conventional warfare lay in the bottom of the North and Baltic Sea. How and why were these weapons dumped in the sea and is this massive propagation of highly toxic products inevitable?
- May 8, 1945: WWII comes to a close. The last Nazi soldiers attempted to escape their inevitable fates. Allied troops were parading through liberated towns. The Soviets invaded conquered territories. Out of these last weeks, a new world order came about and a new era: The Cold War.
- Der Dokumentarfilm porträtiert die für Europa so wichtige Partnerschaft zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich, die in den letzten Jahren immer wieder durch Krisen vor große Herausforderungen gestellt wurde. Die russische Invasion der Ukraine stellt die Partnerschaft nun erneut auf die Probe. Ist sie noch in der Lage, ihrer Führungsrolle in der Europäischen Union gerecht zu werden? Am 22. Januar 1963 wird der Élysée-Vertrag zwischen Frankreich und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland vom französischen Staatspräsidenten Charles de Gaulle und Bundeskanzler Konrad Adenauer unterzeichnet. Dieser Freundschaftsvertrag zwischen den beiden ehemals verfeindeten Nachbarn bildet in den folgenden Jahrzehnten das Fundament für die bis zum Brexit immer grösser werdende Europäische Union. 60 Jahre später wird das deutsch-französische Verhältnis durch die Invasion Russlands in der Ukraine in ungeahntem Maße auf die Probe gestellt. Angesichts des Ausbruchs eines bewaffneten Konflikts im Herzen Europas muss sich die deutsch-französische Freundschaft neu erfinden, und trotz unterschiedlicher Ansätze in der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, auf dem Energiesektor oder bei Haushaltsfragen einen gemeinsamen Weg finden. Der Dokumentarfilm "Deutschland - Frankreich: Beziehungsstatus ungeklärt" beleuchtet die Herausforderungen, die in den letzten Jahren die Beziehung zwischen den beiden Staaten immer wieder belastet haben und befasst sich mit dem neuen deutsch-französischen Modus vivendi. Auf der Grundlage von Archivmaterial, Interviews mit Spitzenpolitikern und Einblicken in den Alltag der deutsch-französischen Partnerschaft zeichnet die Dokumentation das Porträt der wichtigsten politischen Partnerschaft in Europa. Andere EU-Mitgliedstaaten, vor allem in Osteuropa, stellen den deutsch-französischen Führungsanspruch für Europa immer häufiger in Frage. Ist der sogenannte deutsch-französische Motor in Zukunft noch in der Lage, der Führungsrolle in Europa gerecht zu werden?