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- "To Let Go....He Must Fall Back"
- A supernatural thriller about a woman whose husband is murdered, but he continues to appear in her daily life.
- When a moment is the catalyst, bringing a small unique group of people to face the unknown in love, life, and future choices.
- Mike and Karen learn that their friendship is only skin deep.
- This story revolves around a man who loses his wife to his best friend and the string of events that conclude the divorce process. It is a gritty drama that focuses on the emotional well-being of the characters, and how they are affected by their actions and the loss of each other.
- Two racially charged men spar during a deadly Russian-roulette style poker game.
- The Most Important Election this year... through the eyes of a Real American Voter. (Political Satire)
- PBI is a hysterical look at the rapidly-growing phenomenon of paranormal tours across the United States. Boondocks tour guide "Jackie" Mullett leads a group of unusual strangers on a supernatural ghost ride. Sometimes you get more than you pay for...sometimes you don't.