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- As a girl waves goodbye to her boyfriend, she blows a particularly energetic but ill-fated kiss!
- A contemporary silent film about finding romance. Sandie follows the man of her dreams.. but is he?
- When a Small Dinosaur is stumbled upon by a fierce Gigantasaurus it seems the dinosaurs are not what they at first appear!
- Plucking the string of a guitar takes Jack away to another time and place, but has he thought about the pitfalls of this kind of adventure?
- In a near future world, economics has taken such control that artistic expression is outlawed. Underground groups gather together in the dark corners of Britain to listen to illegal music, while trying to remain one step ahead of the police. Alan Osborne is an accountant who stumbles into this world but once he is on the inside he must decide whether or not to take a stand.
- What's the difference between love and lust?
- A man enters a public bathroom hoping to be able to do his business and get out without any fuss. But today that isn't going to be how it pans out. His door won't lock and he has to get down to business totally vulnerable. As soon as he gets comfortable (as comfortable as he can be) he hears a man in the other cubicle talk. "Hello there?" A little worried, he responds, but the man keeps talking, "How are you?" Again he responds, hoping the conversation will end there: The man in the other stall seems incorrigible and keeps talking as though he's flirting. He eventually asks "can I come over?" and the conversation must end there! "NO! I'm busy at the moment!" There's a pause and the man in the other cubicle sighs. "Listen, I'll have to call you back. There's an idiot here who keeps answering all my questions."
- New beginnings can sometimes be bittersweet. This is what Oliver and Rachel discover at the local registry office where they say goodbye to their past and begin a future full of new possibilities. Faced with unwanted obstacles and unmet expectations, this young couple learns that even if life isn't always the way you picture it, love can get you through and set you free.
- After a cosmonaut returns from a failed mission, he arrives to intense scrutiny towards the covert nature of his mission and his apparent ties with Russian intelligence. A THEORIST presents their version of events: to consider how flight engineer SOKOLOV managed to survive in conditions with no means of sustenance and with no sensory stimuli - the theorist further questions how this incubatory state had affected Sokolov's thought processes and whether the void he seemed to be heading towards became an unchartered form of existence and possibly not one that humanity was ready for.