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- Magnificent Egyptian series about a murder; a detective is on the case who will discover shocking events behind the case.
- L'amore di Fares e Soraya, che lavora come cantante in una discoteca, ma il loro amore è causa di problemi perché chi li circonda rifiuta questo amore, soprattutto Laila, la madre di Fares.
- Taimour Tag eldeen, a millionaire, offers a pianist Adam 1 million dollars for spending a night with his wife the cello musician Yasmine.
- Nasser, giovane laureato della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, vive nella zona degli Avventisti del Settimo Giorno e cerca di entrare in magistratura, ma viene respinto a causa della cattiva reputazione del fratello mercenario Rifai.
- Comedy series talking about the problems in saudi arabia
- The series deals with the lives of four girls, shedding light on their relationships with their parents, their personal lives, their dreams, and their ambitions.
- Young women in their prime, each with their own story, some of them face rejection from their narrow society, and others decide to tackle daily challenges through the sport of boxing, within the Saudi youth drama, "Boxing Girls". the series events happens in Saudi Arabia in the modern age of social media and shows the challenges that the society had to deal with during the events of the series .
- "Bayne el Wilayat" is a television magazine, targeting the Saudi Arabian audience. The 15-episode series is filmed in the United States. Whether visiting the Cherokee Heritage center in Oklahoma or Little Havana in Miami, the goal of the program is to reflect the diversity of the American people.
- Mini serie TV
- The series revolves around a young beautiful wife who longs to return to her homeland "Lebanon", which she left 12 years ago by a business agreement between her mother and husband. Even though, she misses her mother and brother and needs help in facing her problems. She is married to a businessman with a real estate company in Dubai. So she also lacks love in her life.
- The story of Rouh, the Upper Egyptian girl who is connected to the world of Jinn and demons, continues.
- Three families of Palestinian Refugees living in gatherings- Tyre, South of Lebanon and a human rights activist make you discover the difficult life conditions of Palestinian Refugees, their daily life, their aspiration to communicate with their relatives in Germany and their continuous waiting.
- After discovering that an alliance of corrupt businessmen are responsible for the deaths of his parents, Sami Karazi infiltrates the world of high finance and high society in Dubai to exact revenge.
- Adam and Yasmine are a young couple infatuated with one another, but Yasmine's mother is against that match. However, the couple continues their relationship and decides to establish a project together.