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- Set in Paisley, the 'NED' capital of Scotland, this film provides a comprehensive and candid look at the daily lives and habits of these "Non Educated Delinquents", from their pulling tactics to lessons on how to talk like a Ned. We not only get to see life from their point of view, but also from that of the long suffering residents of the city, who don't hesitate to provide us with their unanimous opinion on today's Ned culture: they've got to go!
- Basil Khalil, an English-Irish-Israeli-Palestinian young filmmaker shows us a tongue-in-cheek, entertaining and refreshing approach to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
- A musical satirical short film illustrating the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Prepare yourself to laugh at the hilarious gags illustrating what the Israeli and Palestinian people have been doing to each other for the last 60 years.
- This film looks at how Palestinians and Israelis try to cope with the situation. Palestinians talk of the wall that separates them from their neighbours; Israelis speak of what it's like to take public transportation on bus routes that have been bombed; Israeli students express how they wish things were different, while landlocked Palestinians discuss their frustrations and hopes for the future. Basil Khalil's cousin Johnny, from Nazareth, offers some words of wisdom - somewhat pessimistic, while others in the area have thoughts of hope.
- This is his first film, Basil investigates how Israelis and Palestinians are coping with attack and counterattack, anger and revenge. He shows the 'normal' life people experience during the constant violence in the occupied territories. Basil talks to father of teenage girl suicide bomber Basil speaks to an Israeli-American family that lost a daughter in a suicide bombing, while he also meets the father of a young bomber, as well as a family that almost lost a child to an explosion. Behind this violence he finds compassion and humour - whether through hardened Israelis and Palestinians, Israeli Army checkpoint soldiers, even his own family. In an area often thought beyond reason, there is some rationality in discussing that revenge does not necessarily have to be the answer.
- Glasgow is infamous for its culinary reliance on the deep fat fryer. In this Current Cuisine, we see just how far some "chefs" are willing to go in the name of experimentation.