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- Harold es un hombre corriente que ha pasado por la vida, viviendo al margen, hasta que un día va a echar una carta al correo - y sigue caminando.
- La vida y las tribulaciones de la plantilla de un periódico independiente de Boston que atraviesa dificultades económicas. Sin saberlo, están a punto de ser absorbidos por un gran editor, una idea que desprecian.
- The film is a parody of Disney's Fantasia, though possibly more of a challenge to Fantasia than parody status would imply.
- When Lesley, a chaperone for young offenders, promises to help a young prostitute, she unwittingly brings danger into her home, forcing her to choose between her children or her career.
- The quick-witted jump on the bandwagon with the development's German financiers, the others tag behind as employees, deserting their boats to sell tinned sardines and hawk postcards to the overweight foreign tourists who crowd the beaches.
- Two builder buddies clean up on a multi-level building site amidst loose scaffolding and other hazards. Regular banter turns quite serious when conversations turn to intimacy.
- At the supermarket, a middle-aged man in an overcoat that's the worse for wear, sees a can marked "Instant Sex." He buys it, heads for his apartment, and closes the door. Lights flash, flowers bloom, the doormat levitates, and the doorknob falls off. He throws open the door and goes back for a few more cans. More pyrotechnics. He runs to the store for all he can buy. But, can too much sex be hazardous for your health?
- A tale of treachery and tenderness as two girls tussle between friend and foe.