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- Irish insurgents guard their British prisoners-of-war in a remote farmstead. Gradually the opposing soldiers come to respect, even like each other. This greatly worries Frank Callahan, the Irish leader, because his prisoners may have to be killed in reprisal if the British execute two IRA soldiers as they threaten.
- In the not-so-distant future, intelligent robots will be working alongside humans on a wide range of important tasks.
- UConn professor emerita Susan Anderson and her research partner, husband Michael Anderson of the University of Hartford, a UConn alumnus, are teaching machines how to behave ethically.
- Timothy Gifford - who is the CEO of Movia Robotics - is programming humanoid robots to help children with learning delays like those on the autism spectrum improve their social and communication skills.
- The UConn Marching Band's alumni return to play with the band at Homecoming.
- What seems like a regular day isn't quite what it seems to be. Our main character Nick goes throughout his day as he normally would (wake up, get ready for work, have a mediocre time at work), but this day is a little different than the rest. When he arrives at his best friends house he comes to the realization that is longtime friend is finally passing away. His friend, Chris, asks one favor of Nick that brings them together.
- Technology-based sounds collide to create the soundtrack of this brand film for UConn Digital Media and Design's Student Agency.