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- As desventuras cômicas de Roy, Moss e sua engenhosa supervisora Jen, uma equipe de trabalhadores de suporte de TI em uma grande corporação.
- Oficiais e detectives uniformizados numa esquadra de polícia interna de Londres aplicam diariamente a lei e a ordem.
- Quatro incompetentes terroristas britânicos se propuseram a treinar e cometer um ato de terror.
- Music-based comedy quiz show.
- A new comedy quiz show celebrating television. Tow team captains compete alongside TV stars in fast-paced, trivia-based rounds testing their knowledge of television.
- A mature man rethinks his life when his daughter begin to ignore him.
- The adopted daughter of a privileged British politician uncovers a family secret in the weeks leading up to World War II.
- A drama centered on the relationship between Elliot Graham (Sir Michael Gambon), a strange and wealthy Londoner, and Joe Dix (Danny Lee Wynter), a teenager who takes care of an empty house Elliot owns.
- A young man ushers an older woman into a dark exploration of her past - back to the time when, as a young girl, she met a stranger who affected her life forever.
- Dramatisation of the true story of the sinking of the liner Laconia by a German U-boat in 1942 through the eyes of six survivors.
- Michael Portillo travels along the railway networks of Great Britain and Ireland, referring to a Victorian guidebook written by George Bradshaw as he describes how the destinations have changed.
- A comedy TV show starring the fictional character Keith Lemon.
- Tells the story of the outraged, and sometimes violent, response to 'The Life of Brian' the Monty Python movie that satirized the life of Jesus.
- Archie Daley's a bit of a rogue, always up for some dodgy dealings in the hope of making a nice little earner, but sometimes it can cause him to lose his moral compass, which is where Jamie usually steps in to put him right.
- A supermarket fallen on hard times moves its headquarters to Leeds.
- An interview with the newly-fired candidate from The Apprentice (2005).
- Six students spend recess scheming in a school hallway, from vying for the prettiest girl's attention to leading every club and team.
- This dating-based game-show sees a contestant come face-to-face with thirty women and attempt to impress enough of them so they can choose one to go on a date with to the "Isle of Fernando's".
- European quiz show.
- "Friends and Crocodiles" traces the changing relationship of maverick entrepreneur Paul Reynolds and his assistant Lizzie Thomas over a period of 20 years from the beginnings of the Thatcher era to the bursting of the bubble.
- A team of celebrities must form the shape created in a board propelled towards them or risk being pushed into a pool of water.
- An English family fights to establish truth, justice, and accountability from the Israeli army after their son - Tom, a young photo-journalism student - is shot in the head in Gaza by an Israeli army sniper in April 2003.
- Medical drama based on a team of specialist trauma staff. "The Golden Hour" refers to the hour immediately following a serious injury and is the most critical period in the victim's survival.
- Game show that challenges contestants to predict how handsome or ugly people think they really are.