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- Un western d'action sur un agriculteur qui recueille un homme blessé avec une sacoche d'argent. Quand un groupe vient chercher l'argent, il doit décider à qui faire confiance.
- Suivons l'équipage d'un yacht de plusieurs millions de dollars aux Caraïbes.
- Un ex-détenu retrouve sa fille de 17 ans, afin de la protéger des trafiquants de drogue qui tentent de la tuer.
- Le programme de M. Radisson, professeur de philosophie au collège, est remis en question par son nouvel étudiant, Josh, qui croit que Dieu existe.
- A thief and conman is given the means to become invisible, and ends up working for a government agency.
- La fille d'un couple adultère est née avec un seul bras, mais ses talents de joueuse de softball révèlent la véritable grâce de Dieu.
- Van Wilder starts his freshman year at Coolidge College and embarks on an adventure to land the campus hottie and liberate his school from sexual oppression and party dysfunction.
- While drying out on the West Coast, an alcoholic hitman befriends a tart-tongued woman who might just come in handy when it's time for him to return to Buffalo and settle some old scores.
- Dans cette comédie religieuse, lorsque deux familles diamétralement opposées sont obligées de camper ensemble, les pères luttent pour préserver leurs familles et leurs mariages alors qu'ils se disputent le trophée convoité du camp.
- Une prof sexy s'avérant être un vampire assoiffé de sang humain piège ses étudiants étrangers dans son terrifiant domaine de luxure et de terreur...
- Taylor est obligé de cacher la fille d'une femme Colombienne sous la protection des témoins car elle témoignera contre un puissant cartel de la drogue.
- Orange goes on adventures with his friends. His strange friend Nerville, basically played by a YouTuber, is afraid of aliens. So Orange and his friends are the ones who can stop the adventure.
- Un ancien combattant de la guerre en Irak qui a du mal à se réinsérer dans la société se lance dans un périple à travers le pays dans l'espoir de retrouver son jeune fils.
- Alors qu'on pensait l'enquête terminée, une info vient changer la direction de l'affaire et détourner les doutes.
- When a small-town baseball coach gets the offer of a lifetime from a larger 6A High School, he uproots his family and leaves the only home he's ever known. But soon faces opposition to his coaching methods from the school superintendent.
- The lives of a pair of little people as they continue through their marriage, careers, and starting a family.
- Grace Trey is a phenomenal singer. But at the tender age of eighteen, after she gets the music break of a lifetime and is thrust into the "real world" - her faith is put to the test.
- A young woman gets drawn into a supernatural system with Bible characters working undercover to help people today.
- Against the backdrop of high-school football and track, two brothers in a small Southern town face escalating problems with two different worldviews, straining--but ultimately strengthening--the bonds of brotherhood.
- Une trahison familiale, un amour perdu ainsi qu'un sombre secret tourbillonnent autour d'une haute famille politique américaine.
- Amidst foreboding lighting and tremors, a traveling salesman with a dark past must fight demons, both his own and a murderous biker gang, in his quest to complete his last sale and go home.
- Flora is a circus elephant who can no longer perform her tricks. The night before she's scheduled to be euthanized, the circus owner's 14-year old daughter, Dawn, sneaks Flora from the circus. All that stands between them and the safety of the elephant preserve is two hundred kilometers of woods, one raging river, two elephant hunters and the fear of not making it.
- The real life story of a Ukrainian woman who was separated from her three children and sold into trafficking by Russian gangsters. Defying all odds, she survived to be reunited with her children.
- Aged, ill, and unable to reconcile the man he was to who he has become, Flynn is hell-bent on exiting this life in a blaze of glory.
- After 11-year-old Tim Hart loses his parents, he balks at living with his immensely immature Uncle Max, a second-rate magician who must grow up to be a father figure and, perhaps, find love while he's at it.