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- Una raccolta di storie di una squadra d'investigatori che lavorano insieme per risolvere un crimine.
- Alla vigilia di un grande pagamento, i residenti di una fattoria collettiva che sta crollando vedono i loro piani trasformarsi in desolazione quando scoprono che Irimiás, un ex collega che pensavano fosse morto, torna nella comunità.
- Un giovane ingenuo assiste a una situazione di violenza nella sua piccola città natale in seguito all'arrivo di una misteriosa attrazione da circo.
- Dopo aver assistito ad un crimine durante il suo turno di lavoro al porto, un uomo trova una valigetta piena di soldi e, mentre lui e la sua famiglia innalzano i propri standard di vita, altre persone iniziano ad investigare sul caso.
- Over one wild Cologne night, three women in search of the perfect partner and perfect life discover that a little bit of magic changes everything.
- Joe Pesci is a small man looking for a big break. Owner of a bowling alley and nightclub in Jersey, Ruby Dennis (Pesci) sets his sights on making it big in Vegas. But Ruby finds more than he gambled for and in the end is a much bigger man for it.
- An US-based film director returns from the US to Germany, where he was forced along with other concentration camp prisoners to participate in an Anti-Semitic propaganda film in 1942. He plans to make a documentary on this part of his past.
- A poor postman in Isla Negra, Chile, befriends Pablo Neruda and asks his help in writing poems to the woman of his dreams.
- BERLIN, 1948. During the few days of the blockade, a teenager, a man, and a young woman constitute a gang. They profit from the fear, the disorder, and the black market, and commit many, many thefts.
- A once-famous blues singer whose career has taken a downturn tries to get back on top.
- Viktor Vogel gets a huge career boost when he sneaks into a high-powered ad agency meeting and becomes veteran ad man Eddie Kaminsky's new partner on a big campaign. Can he hold on to his integrity in the cutthroat world of advertising?
- Barbara, pretty daughter an archaeology professor, arrives on the island of Milos determined to prove that the statue of the Venus de Milo exhibited in the Louvre is a copy, and the original is still on the island. She pretends to be a geologist, provoking the suspicion of U.S. multinational corporation ALUMINE, which is about to sign a contract to mine bauxite on the island, although the deposit is extremely rich in uranium-235.
- A major of Red Army is late for the train that takes Soviet's forces from Berlin. He telephones to Moscow and finds out that his wife has left him and that someone has moved in his apartment. He decides to stay in Berlin and does so by staying in no man's lend between two Berlins. His only property is small tea-urn, parade uniform and white bicycle. His first contacts are with black market and underground. And while he makes first moves in the game of survival, we're getting to know his past.
- Katharina, a German journalist of Yugoslavian origin, comes to Podgorica to prepare a material for her TV-show. There she meets Peter, a young German, who came to Yugoslavia to make his own investigation about his father's Nazi past.
- Nella Germania degli anni '30, David, figlio di un rabbino, assiste alla crescita dell'antisemitismo. La sua famiglia sopravvive nascosta a Berlino, ma uno scontro con un ufficiale tedesco convince David a fuggire da solo.
- Malgorzata and Paul have a rendezvous in West Berlin to spend some time together before she has to go back to Warsaw and he returns to his wife and daughter. The two talk, disagree, argue, make-up, quarrel and talk some more.
- After 15 years spent working in Germany, forty-something-year-old Nada is getting divorced. Her husband is returning to the home country, opens the mechanic shop and starts a new life with his new young wife. To prevent Nada from returning home, he starts spreading the word about her misconducts. But Nada also knows the ways of the old community, therefore she comes back in a brand new Mercedes, accompanied by a young German
- Stefan, a German photographer, comes to the Greek island of Donusa where he meets a beautiful girl, Eleni. Eleni seems to hiding a secret about her life. When Eleni commits suicide, initially everyone believes that Stefan is responsible for this action.
- Three young men kills two policemen after a chaotic bank raid; a problem which forces the trio to make a desperate escape across the border to Poland.
- This musical shows of the Acropole dominated Greek theater during the 1950s and 60s. Acropole follows Prince, the self-made producer of this unusual and mythic theater, and Lakis, the cross-dressing actress who specializes in comic female roles. The story culminates on closing night, when cast and crew recreate the "Alalum," a traditional piece by Aristophanes resplendent with the unexpected, the spontaneous and the insane.
- It is 1988. Jacob (Gottfried John), from Hamburg in West Germany, falls in love with Elisabeth (Angelica Domröse) in East Germany. When they secretly meet in East Berlin, it seems the Stasi (secret police) knows about it. When Jacob visits her village, someone informs on him and he is deported. Elisabeth knows who begrudges her this love and takes her revenge. Critics note that in this film, director Heiner Carow revisits the themes of his 1972 smash hit, The Legend of Paul and Paula, which became a cult film throughout Germany.
- The band Pfuri Gorps and Kniri inherit a Grand Hotel in Montreux, Switzerland. Besides performing gala concerts in the main hall they are suddenly confronted with many other responsibilities that come with owning a hotel.