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- Istituito come uno degli spettacoli più famosi al mondo con belle donne, le migliori modelle in bikini viaggiano in spettacolari località lontane per spettacolari sessioni fotografici.
- Former frontman for The Police, Sting performs in Italy on this video. In addition to a look behind the scenes, the film contains performances of "Don't Stand So Close to Me," "Every Breath You Take," "Fragile," and over a dozen more favorites from every phase of his lengthy career.
- Inspired by the blockbuster Hollywood movie, Cannonball Run, hardcore driving enthusiasts put pedal to the metal and face a series of extreme mental and physical challenges that test the spirit and staying power of driver and machine. Exotic cars, exotic lifestyle & eccentric people. Six days and 3,000 miles later, the winner captures his prize: a $86,000 custom Ultimate Bad Boy Saleen.
- Kato Kaelin takes his quick wit and sharp tongue to hotspots around the world, and gives no quarter in the process. Crashing the sidelines for the inside story at the Lingerie Bowl to sneaking into the Spring Break bikini pageant in Cancun, Kato maintains a breakneck pace of comedy and adventure.
- Seven is the new number in men's lifestyle television. From the exotic to the eccentric to the extreme, "MEN7" delivers what men want most: Business insight by industry leaders, advice on men's fashion, gorgeous women, and maximizing leisure time. "MEN7" is the ultimate guide to living the good life, the fun life, the fulfilled life -- a man's life.
- Follow The Extremists as they travel the world, searching for the rush of adrenaline that comes from mastering the natural world. From white water rafting to mountain climbing and hang gliding, each new adventure brings a better understanding of human limitations, or the lack thereof. Watch as these self-confessed adrenaline junkies head around the world in the pursuit of hard-core fun.
- Hosts Jason Hervey & Scott Grimes adventure around the world to meet amazing kids doing incredible achievements. Travel locations include United States of America, South America, Europe, & Asia. Jason & Scott, along with special guest stars, attempt many of these spectacular, and sometimes humorous, feats.
- Liquid Edge is an action sports Series ( 13 One hours ) with focus on all sports in the Ocean, Lakes and Rivers of the world.
- Photo shootings of nude models at tropical beaches around the world.