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- Durante la guerra civile turca del 1922, due americani e un gruppo di mercenari stranieri offrono i loro servizi a un governatore turco locale che li assume come guardie per un trasporto segreto.
- Slimey little aliens attack teenagers.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVWoman sues over bed bug infestation; Woman sues school over son's haircut.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVWoman sues for being cheated at pawn shop; Man sues model for using photos without permission.
- Woman sues for taking son to scary movie; Couple sues over inappropriate video shot in home.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVWoman sues because of an inappropriate cake; Man sues groomsman for reimbursement.
- Woman sues laundromat owner for personal injury; Woman sues for being verbally abused at boot camp.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVWoman sues funeral home over dropped casket; Woman sues for likeness of a party clown.
- Man sues ex for putting dog waste in breakfast; Woman sues landlord for renting haunted house.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVWoman sues couple caught having sex in public; Man sues friend for fair share of bachelor party.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVWoman sues roommate for fire damage in apartment; Woman sues EMT for stopping for a snack on the way to the hospital.
- Woman sues for wrongful termination at grocery store; Woman sues for lost date on her computer.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVWoman sues friend for breaking stripper pole; Couple sues limo driver for injuring them while driving.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVWoman sues haunted house owner for harassment; Man sells a broken car to elderly woman.
- Woman sues mother for allowing son to watch porn and bring it to school.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVCryptologist sues and activist for breaking his camera; Man sues landlord after falling off his roof.
- Woman uses for the return of her TV; Man sues for damage to phone at restaurant.
- Woman sues carnival operator while getting stuck on a ride; Woman is ditched overseas for not giving up her virginity.
- Man sues after being attacked with mace at gym; Man sues graveyard for not maintaining grounds.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVWoman's child has nightmares after watching movie with neighbor; Woman sues babysitter for spanking child.
- Couple sues neighbors over party costs; Nude photos of teacher gets her fired.
- Man claims ex-girlfriend put their baby up for adoption without his permission and feels he deserves half of the adoption fees.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVWoman uses for slandering her business online; Actress sues for emotional distress.
- 2014– 30mEpisodio TVCouple sues jeweler for allegedly switching rings; Woman uses sister for losing precious coin collection.