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- Die Abenteuer von Ben Cartwright und seinen Söhnen, wie sie ihre Ranch bewirtschaften und verteidigen, während sie der umliegenden Gemeinschaft helfen.
- Eine Hexe, die mit einem normalen Mann verheiratet ist, kann nicht widerstehen, ihre magischen Kräfte einzusetzen, um die Probleme ihrer Familie zu lösen.
- Mannix arbeitete ursprünglich für Wickersham bei Intertect und schlug dann auf eigene Faust zu, unterstützt von Peggy Fair (deren Polizisten-Mann getötet worden war) und Tobias, der vom Police Department kontaktiert wurde.
- Die beiden Spitzenagenten des United Network Command for Law and Enforcement bekämpfen die Feinde des Friedens, insbesondere die Kräfte von THRUSH.
- A perverted teenage boy who lives in the walls of a house finds the house sold to a family after his mother dies, then he falls for one of the new residents.
- Bumper Morgan is a veteran Los Angeles Police Department street cop. He is due to retire after twenty years on the job, but is not letting up on the criminal element on his beat.
- Künftig schützt ein Polizist eine Reporterin vor korrupten, abtrünnigen Polizisten, die meinen, sie wisse zu viel über sie.
- Stranded at a roadside diner in the desert, Jean Mitchell searches for her husband Bob who has mysteriously disappeared from the property while she was in the ladies' restroom.
- Detailed information on how to install and repair various areas /parts of the home. The main host, Dean Johnson shares in-depth, yet easy to follow DIY instructions . Along with input and video clips from the manufacturers of the products that are used.
- Tim Conway as Dorf in more of his misadventures. This time he goes fishing. Dorf drags his wife into a day of fishing but is frustrated as his wife catches an awful lot of fish. This comedic approach on the world of fishing will have you laughing again and again.
- A tribute to the American designer presented by Chevrolet. The fist half of this film is a collage of 1950's American design from appliances to architecture, the second half follows the design process of a new Chevrolet automobile from the early sketches to a full sized model and finally the finish product.
- Chevrolet presents this tribute to the American woman and her thrifty ways with money. The film also salutes the individuality of the Amerian citizen and the variety of choices we have in the marketplace.
- Showcases a driving course where kindergarten children are placed in miniature cars and taught safe and proper driving skills in order to prepare them for when they're old enough to get a driver's license.
- Cinderella must arrive home in her new coach by midnight, or else she will lose her coach, her new dress, and the prince.
- Comedic first person shooter about a chef who crash-lands on a hostile alien world based on food.
- Clips of the work in a Chevrolet automobile factory.
- The behind the scenes of an old west radio show, it takes a look at how they do the sound effects.
- Chevrolet travelogue film of tourist attractions in Coral Gables, Florida and surrounding areas in South Florida.
- Portrays all Americans as makers, with a rich tradition of pride in workmanship and satisfaction of needs.
- All Cast and Crew members were required to sign Non-Disclosures regarding the entire Plot, Summary and Script content regarding Dangerous Intersection at the request of the Executive Producers.
- A boy and girl on a trip are attacked by pirates while looking for treasure. It features the character Nicky Nome.
- A commercial for the new 1955 Chevrolet.
- Short film detailing the workings of the rear-axle differential and how this new system makes driving smoother and more comfortable.