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- Dopo aver combattuto nella guerra di Troia, Odisseo passa anni a cercare di tornare a casa, a Itaka.
- Basata sul romanzo classico di Carlo Collodi, questa miniserie parla di un burattino animato di nome Pinocchio e di suo padre, un povero intagliatore di nome Geppetto.
- Made for television, this film consists of four parts: Part One, "The Last Christmas Dinner," is about the relationship between an old man and an old woman, both homeless. Part Two, "The Electric Floor Polisher," is an opera-like story of a woman who is obsessed with polishing her floors. Part Three is a musical interlude featuring Jeanne Moreau singing "When Love Dies." Part Four, "The Virtue of Tolerance," concerns an old man, his young wife, and how they come to terms when she has an affair with a man her own age.
- Elite units of the CI are helping one careless tourists who fell into trouble during a foreign holiday. Florian, one of the best agents of this extraordinary organization, has a slightly quirky tastes - does not like to work in a team. Unfortunately, it is forced to validate his views, because superiors assign him a partner - a psychologist by the name of Nadja. Agents set off to Thailand to help a German tourist who was falsely accused of murder and imprisoned in the local jail ...
- January. One of the coldest-ever winters in Munich. After a snowstorm the young Stefanie Thaller is found half-naked and frozen to death on the edge of an industrial estate in the north of the city. Never before did Detective Superintendents Franz Leitmayr and Ivo Batic together with Detective Inspector Carlo Menzinger have to cope with such a lack of evidence in a murder case...