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- Sa mission: faire la guerre depuis un ordinateur. Jusqu'au jour où la réalité vient frapper à sa porte.
- Throughout recorded history, entire civilizations have mysteriously disappeared. For two sisters living in the modern day aftermath, daylight is their only refuge.
- Departing for college, Abbie leaves her parents and brother who has autism and is non-verbal. As she explores her independence and sexuality, she's torn between her new life and her love for her brother.
- Sara est une romancière qui trouve son inspiration manquante lorsqu'elle rencontre Godfrey, un étrange malchanceux qui change constamment de personnage et d'alter ego pour faire face à son passé et éviter la réalité.
- Un adolescent troublé et son frère aîné se reconnectent, déclenchant un baril de poudre de secrets enfouis, de paranoïa et de meurtre. Inspiré par de vrais événements.
- A professional hit man, reincarnated as a sixteen-year-old boy, takes on the crime syndicate responsible for his death.
- At a newly inherited estate winery, a grieving family is targeted by an ancient, malevolent entity that lives in the vineyard and survives on human sacrifices.
- For all those times you were at an art exhibit wondering just how hard it would be to steal that "priceless ugly thing". Or how easy... Introducing Stella, Alex and John: three honors students with a taste for anti-establishment pranks and the skill level to execute them seamlessley. Crammed with all that accessible knowledge and the competitive spirit of youth, they decide to tamper with the eccentric egos of the art world. With the help of a friend skilled in replication, they decide to relieve a museum of a prized scultpure. At first, the plan is to replace the statue with an exact replica but Stella can't resist throwing in an unexpected variation. Of course it would've helped if she'd told Alex and John about it.
- A haunting dance showing off the ES Dance Instrument.
- A young couple finds themselves at odds over the idea of having sex. Her insistence and his hesitation reflect the influences of, and their reactions to, media and modern culture.
- Initially shunned by many in Canada's dance community as an eccentric with a gimmick, 83 year-old Sven Johansson has beaten the odds with international acclaim and a comprehensive body of work that can't be ignored. "Dreams of Flight" traces Sven's remarkable life, from recluse and arctic explorer to a self-taught aerial dance choreographer. Through his creativity and unwavering determination, Sven Johansson has carved out a niche as one of the world's most rebellious and visionary dance choreographers.
- Music for Mandela explores the role music played in the remarkable life of one of the world's most important icons. The effects of this relationship continue to ripple through the poorest South African townships as well as the world stage.
- Based on a true story, "Nowakowsky: A Forgotten Master" is a dramatic short told through the music of a famous Jewish composer. The short dramatically recreates the time in World War 11 when the music of David Nowakowsky was banned by the Nazis, and his original music sheets were almost lost forever.
- Second City comedians star in this sketch show set in a Chicago sports bar.
- With truthful behind the scenes expose's, "Daingerfield" delivers a smart and hip look at the life of a full-time actor who has yet to reach the pinnacle of acting success.
- A follow up to "Eterne Sangui" showcasing disabled dancers for the first time on film.