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- Las aventuras de un joven espadachín errante que se topa con una escuela de artes marciales en apuros en el Japón de la era Meiji.
- "Creada por Mick Garris y similar en formato a ""Masters of Horror"", es decir, que se basa en capítulos independientes entre sí, cada uno dirigido por un reconocido director del género del terror/suspense."
- TV series that tells the every-day stories of a group of teenagers in high-school, focusing on their romances and personal problems.
- A senator's wife goes missing.
- La historia gira en torno a Miyuki Kobayakawa, una oficial de policía que es asignada a la comisaría Bokuto. Se asocia con Natsumi Tsujimoto, conocida por su actitud temeraria y su habilidad para atrapar criminales.
- Several teenagers discover they have supernatural ability's, however a top secret government organization wants the power for themselves so they decide to fight back.
- The thief: a gangster on the lam, is waiting for a boat which is to sail away from this harbor,a dead end. The liar :a young woman he meets in a restaurant tells him the story of her life based on the screenplay of a movie she was to make. They fall head over heels in love. The convict who has just escaped from jail wants to keep her out of his predicament ,but after a night of desperate love, she refuses to leave him.And the police are tracking him down.
- Nothing's Left is a depiction of some aspects of the society, an vision exploring the ideas behind social media and consumerism. Each one of us is both an architect and a pawn of this system but is there a way to unplug from the cycle?
- The Senator, wired and under FBI observation, attempts to make the ransom drop in downtown Atlanta.
- Sara Collins, second wife of the Junior Senator from Georgia, disappears at a gala reception honoring her work in children's education. The continuing efforts to find what has happened to her, which slowly reveal details of Sara's checkered past, are told from the points of view of the Senator, his children, an ambitious TV reporter and her cameraman/lover, and the FBI agents assigned to the case. The Agent In Charge, Graham Kelton, is himself haunted by a previous case that ended badly.
- Against Agent Graham Kelton's advice, Senator Jeffrey Collins goes on TV to post a reward. Fisherman Peter 'Cap' Manning finally calls to tell the hot line he believes to recognize Sara Collins as his 12 years ago partner Nicky Johnson, but that info drowns in masses. A hair in her hotel-room proves the senator's son Max visited his till six months ago completely estranged mother, Jeffrey's first wife Jessica Nevins, who may be manipulating the kid. Marcy still only contacts Max; a threatening man who asks how well she knows her boyfriend Ben Wilson brings a bloody sweater, she asks Kelton to check for Sara's blood- no type match. The FBI checks all surveillance cameras in Atlanta to track presumed kidnapper Mark Valera's route; Kelton sees a possible car switch or drop inside a tunnel, which proves a complex structure to search but has an obvious fingerprint in Sara's blood; the booby trap in the place she was held in explodes, Kelton is trapped but gets out by exit 929, the number on the Nathan prayer card. Ex-mayor Curtis McNeal's wife Amanda's autopsy shows she lived two months after her disappearance; Curtis tells Kelton to ask the senator how 'they' control him, then says it's all his fault and commits suicide on the spot; Jeffrey still won't tell Kelson his secret.
- Ben is apprehended. Judy looks into Peter's information. Kelton and Lin Mei investigate strange activity at an area reservoir.
- Kelton protects Ben from danger. Judy takes Peter's story public; the FBI discovers a link to Sara on a suspect's computer.
- Judy's coverage of the Sara Collins case -- and her personal life -- hit a rough patch. Kelton and Lin Mei search for the source of recent video surveillance footage of Sara found on a suspect's computer.
- Senator Collins travels to the Capitol to cast his vote; startling information is revealed to Kelton in an unlikely venue; Judy rekindles an old flame.
- An expert edits fragments from the senator's TV speech to manufacture a fake declaration. Sara talks in her cell to a fellow prisoner and gets the fake message: Jeffrey calls her disappearance the best thing that happened to his campaign; she reminisces how he proposed to her. Agent Michael Tyner arranges for Lucas and Mei an interview in Atlanta with theologian on death-row Aaron Hensleigh but he only refers to the Flood, the Tower of Babel and Sodom&Gomorrah. A surveillance camera saw the driver of a van which escaped from the warehouse shot dead; in it Lucas finds a well-hidden Roman cypher wheel, designed for a specific coded text, but in Qumran-Hebrew, like the Dead Sea scrolls. After seeing her baby ultrasound with Ben, Marcy repeats her blackmail to Wallace, who calls her bluff as the senator's career could also sink; she promises Judy spicy live talk on TV. Two fake repairmen steel the wheel from the FBI evidence room, but are both killed in a shoot-out; they had photos of Sara and Aaron's wife Deborah Hensleigh in a car model released two years after her alleged slaughtering. Sara's cell neighbor claims to be Deborah. Kidnapping Deborah only makes sense as leverage on Aaron, to decipher Ezechiel, if his execution is postponed, which can follow from the Brocket case which Wallace Rainer could decide if nominated; even this news doesn't make Aaron talk to Lucas, just beg to find and protect Deborah. Marcy has a miscarriage and demands blood tests for foul play. Rainer is finally nominated but still denies to Jeffrey to have Sara.
- The mystery continues after Agent Graham Kelton was gunned down. While Judy Nash reports on the shocking and fatal shooting incident, newcomer Agent Daniel Lucas joins Agents Mei and Tyner in the investigation.
- The Nathan card sender calls Lucas, who wonders how he got his number, claiming Sara won't be returned and wants to meet Lucas in St.Ignatius; he demands access to the wheel for the vague tip that Sara is held underground in the vast wilderness reserve. Sara gets a recording Max doesn't want her to return ever, but his own mother. In hospital, Jeffrey thanks Ben for supporting Marcy, whose doctor confirms she may have been injected too much of the hormone progesteron to cause the miscarriage; now she tells Ben the baby could be the fruit of rape by Rainer 'but is not'. Jeffrey's chief of staff JT tells him Jessica accepted $20,000 to disappear, he tells Marcy. Helicopters found seven underground heat sources; Lucas' SWAT team survives and eliminates a sniper and after springing the concrete access three guards inside, Sara escapes trough another hatch but FBI hounds track her. Jeffrey asks supreme court justice Mulrey to counter Wallace's presumed no-vote, knowing she must now abstain, probably with the same result. Lucas believes the hounds were sidetracked by deer hunters' kill, actually Sara hid with it and reaches a road block, identifying herself. The Nathan card informer admits he wants to destroy the wheel to keep the message hidden.
- Sara gets into Moultrie's sheriff Shelton's car; he calls the FBI, to Lucas' delighted amazement. Fake FBI agents beat him to her, shooting the precinct men, but she got out on foot, wearing a tag they alone know about, Lucas' team finds only dead bodies. Peter Manning gets DNA-confirmation: Nicky/Sara's girl Becca is his biological daughter. A picture of the helicopter shows a partial FAA registration, which points to a few companies including Encompass, which runs Max's rehab clinic, recommended by Sara; his counselor there was Quinn Keeler, who kept in touch with the boy to learn everything about the senator and Sara; Lin Mei fears Quinn is too scared to talk. Sara cuts out her arm-implanted tracker bug, but leaves a blood trace north; her pursuers call a helicopter. Lucas offers Judy an exclusive, to be aired within the hour: a fake report that Quinn talked, so she talks for real, desperate for protection. She was an addict herself, successfully cured and turned counselor; the only patient which even the intensive, torturous solitary treatment couldn't cure was Sara, who ran away. When Quinn shows Lucas the therapy room, it's gone- no, he kicks away fake paneling; there are tapes of every treatment, including Sara's 11 years ago, with a reflection of an observer: Jeffrey's father, ex-senator Eugene Collins. When Sara's male lift asks a bit of physical contact, she pretends to agree, makes him pull over, viciously knocks him out and steals his car; she phones Jeffrey's home, but Jessica picks up, so Sara hangs in, crying; she's found by the helicopter but runs on foot again, actually hiding behind the nearest tree. Questioned by Lucas, Eugene claims Sara just had routine electroshock therapy. Christo found out about Sara's call to Jessica.
- Marcy tells Ben they're expecting a baby, he starts acting paternal. Senator Collins promises in a press conference his vote for Judge Wallace Rainer's nomination as U.S. Supreme Court justice; Marcy overhears an ominous insistence call by Wallace. Judy fails to flirt her way into a tip from Lucas. Morell's file on Sara predates Jeffrey's election by years, and minutes before his suicide he sent a long number by never before used secure satellite phone to an untraceable destination. / Morell had a uniquely designed exclusive entrance chip implanted. Sara's captors, a whole team which uses injections, feels she's finally 'ready', pretend to her Jeffrey refuses to cooperate and insist he took Jessica back in. The unique number fits a freight train arrival in Atlanta; it doesn't stop but Lucas and Mei observe cars stopping there for a box transfer, both with fake license plates; he tails and enters the abandoned warehouse they came to alone, without a search warrant; men with masonic wrist-tattoos carry the box into a lab, it contains only a page from an ancient document in Hebrew script, which is joined and scanned with several other pages. Lucas finds the card Christo made opens the door to the data-server room and starts sending copies by PDA, but is caught by an armed guard; bluffing with Mei's single shot as surrounding FBI agents' gets him to escape, but the crooks get away with the parchments and trigger the data-servers to auto-destruct. The partial copies are identified by an expert as Ezechiel 40, part of the missing chapters in the Dead Sea scrolls, the oldest Bible transcript. Theologian Aaron Hensleigh, who claimed to have seen it ten years ago, illegally excavated under Jerusalem's Temple Mount, is scheduled to be executed in five days for murdering three colleagues and his wife. Marcy, who lied to Ben she was feeling weak, visits Judge Wallace Rainer, accusing him of controlling the kidnappers and threatening to go public about their past unless he calls them off and withdraws his candidature.
- Lucas tells Senator Jeffrey Collins, who was considering relinquishing his seat, in Jessica's presence, about Sara's call and his father Eugene's possible involvement; privately Eugene tells Jeffrey he did it to protect his political career, a crazy relative may not become known to the press. Max gets his sister Marcia to tell him about Wallace raping her. Ben buys a gun. Blood on the phone booth and a car thief description get the FBI on Sara's trail; Lucas gets the car owner Gabe to talk to him and then keep silent. Peter calls Judy urgently about Becka, her boss is not interested without proved link to Sara. Sara was hiding in Warm Springs with a mother and young daughter Violet, her man Pike's arrival scares Sara to ride again- Supervisor Michael Tyner tips off the pursuers; he's in the same masonic lodge as Eugene Collins. Max tries to trace Ben via his credit card company- he's in Washington, D.C., as she fears going after Justice Rainer, indeed later kills him at his home. Sara dumped her car with an excuse on a man who is stopped by Lucas: lost trail; she bought a ticket for Orlando, Florida, where her parents live.
- The Avilon prepares to please Hue Masters, a well-known restaurant critic who gave Executive Chef, Alex Marcus, the review that tanked his last restaurant. Tension mounts between Alex and sous chef, Maddie, as she tries to infuse her own ideas into the night's menu. General Manager Harry reveals his own demons when he fires the Sommelier with a drinking problem, and Alex has to deal with ex-flame, Selena, as a replacement for the day. How is this night going to end?