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- This film chronicles the journey of an indigenous leader from a remote tribe in the Brazilian Amazon who travels to the country capitol of Brasilia in a last ditch effort to save his people's land from being turned over to developers, miners and poachers.
- Ron, an inveterate philanderer, runs the restaurant Deux Amis with his friend Pete. Ron's wealthy mother-in-law pays the bills and keeps the place afloat; she also suspects that Sam's cheating on her daughter and promises to stop supporting him if he proves unfaithful. Sam is confident he can elude detection, because he has adopted four simple rules that he promises Pete he'll follow at all times. Are they fool-proof, and can he stick to them?
- This documentary chronicles the largest gold rush on Indian lands in Brazilian history. Filmed clandestinely at the height of an invasion of 50,000 miners onto the lands of 9,000 Yanomami Indians, "Contact" documents in exacting detail the devastation reaped by this uncontrolled invasion of "wild cat" gold prospectors into Yanomami Terrioty during which 20% of the tribe's population, or 1,500 Indians, died from a malaria epidemic and armed conflict between Indians and miners.