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- You're stranded in the Australian outback, hundreds of miles from civilization, who is qualified to save you? We'll show you everything you need to survive Down Under on a walkabout with the brightest and most beautiful Australian women. First meet Lucy, This natural-born beauty likes to explore the bold challenges of the mountains and deserted beaches of the island continent... in the buff. Then blaze a trail deep into the bush with Simone. This exotic wonder is a true-blue Aussie but her Thai Heritage lends her an exotic elegance that is out of this world. And don't miss sizzling profiles of Rachel, Coralie, Sara, and Petta as host Erika Heynatz reveals more natural and erotic wonders from Down Under.
- A slice of life with Billy Bob, Dwight and Warren in the studio as they all combine their talents making Warren Zevons' record.
- This is the true story of family man, Greg Sowards, who is diagnosed with liver cancer and is told he will die if he does not get a liver transplant. This real life documentary explores the unpredictable world of what it is like to need and wait for an organ transplant. We follow his journey as he and his family cling with hope to his last chance at life, a donor liver; all the while knowing someone else will die for him to continue to live.
- Hidden Medicine is an experimental, mystical film that deals with the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and the environment. The story takes place in Onondaga Nation Territory with appearances by Chief Oren Lyons and Clan Mother Audrey Shenandoah. A young girl, "Dakota René", has a dream about a traditional runner who takes a crucial message from his clan to the United Nations. The film beautifully weaves story, poetry, music and politics, creating an impending sense of our planets struggle to survive.