एडवांस सर्च
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इसमें सिर्फ़ चुने गए टॉपिक्स वाले टाइटल शामिल हैं
मिनटों में
1-318 में से 50
- In this Finnish cinema classic, three vacuum cleaner salesmen go door-to-door selling dreams of dust-free homes and personal ambitions in a bleak Finland hit by the worst recession in history.
- A visual and delicately poetic story about the relationship between a swimmer and water. A young competitive swimmer meets the world's fastest woman swimmer in her dreams and races her.
- A young cleaning girl, Kukka-Maaria, goes to work in the city and rent a luxury apartment. In return, the landlord gradually subjugates the girl as a sex partner to himself and his acquaintances.
- An alcoholic man is forced to come to grips with a society when he's taken into custody.
- Tino, 16, has to host a date for Diablo, his family's stud cat. Tino's manhood is also put into test in front of two women.
- A mixed group of lonely people meet on a May Day cruise, finding comfort in each other during a spring storm.
- A quiet and clumsy Eki works at the shipyard and wants to be like his masculine and outspoken co-workers. To become a real man, he needs some tattoos. A real ones.
- It's not wrong to look for love - you just have to look for it in the right place.
- After the death of his father in the war, a young boy Santtu has to start providing for the family. In a small logging camp he learns to play the accordion, just like his father. It's the healing power of music.
- A group of friends are enjoying their weekend in the city. There's restlessness in the air, since Jenna and Ari are suffering from jealousy. Love can be complicated.
- A little girl helps her mother in prison duties after the war in 1945. She befriends a young guard, her first crush.
- Despite the lost memories, an old couple finds solace through humor and love. Heart will always find the right station.
- As long as 15-year old Marianne knows how to punch there is nothing to worry about.