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- An account of a young woman who aspires to convert her love of cooking into a business, the challenges grow in number as she makes the leap.
- FernsehserieCrime World, a hindi webseries revolves around modern social crimes prevalent widely in the society, it tried picturing the changing roles of relationships, especially within the family, how crime has left the jungles and entered our family destroying not only relationships but also breaking the bond of trusts, and taking lives of the loved ones.
- Santosh, an individual belonging to the third gender, could never get his true position in the society. Despite his care, love, dedication and affection, he got judged just by being a member of an outcast community who is still fighting hard for their position in the society. Santosh who could get a better life on his individuality, got thrown back owing to his community . He would have become an important asset for the society but the mentality of the society left him of no where and put him back on the roads.
- The film's original story is about the continuous creation and disintegration of the dreams of a folk dancer. Lead character Sona is a popular folk dancer from a small town of Gorakhpur.