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- in this version of the classical book, the crew makes a new point of view of the sounds of this great literary piece.
- CULTZONE CHANNEL is a digital television station about games, comics, manga, cinema and literature
- DOC Rainflorest (working title) is a subjective film about the intemperances of nature and about the transformations that the planet has suffered over decades of human production with its fruits that today we all reap.
- Roger Tasunka is a poor Indian youth that faces several challenges to enter in a gang of bikers. Impetuous and resolved, he leaves in his day to conquer his place, doing of everything to get his motorcycle.
- DharmaJon N A H A R TV Bagharna is a digital television channel about cinema, television, music, games.
- Life in the United States of America it shows the think about America is very interesting it shows the reality, different cities and Hollywood fame.
- Halaor has a dull job as a junior judicial archivist who remains in a stifling routine, permeated with frustrations. The kit net is divided only with your pet: a goldfish. Every day he divides his frustrations and ideals, in a repetitive monologue directed to his fish, having him as his confessor.
- Serie de TVRoger is a poor Indian youth that faces several challenges to enter in a gang of bikers.
- Discuss a strike and its benefits for the community involved in its demands. To explain how the dialogue of a minority occurs, with government entities, which in general are totally bureaucratic and infiltrated with hidden interests.
- ULTRA=CULTZONE is a futuristic television channel about music, Cosplay, synth-wave, retro, sports, shows and events
- CULTZONE CHANNEL HAWAII is a digital TV channel about music, sports, sea, nature and the spirit of Aloha
- A glance on a city in a hallucinating and constant speed acted by their main characters: us same.
- A group of explorers wander through the jungle deep in Brazil and suffer a plane crash, crashing into the closed forest and having encounters with the local isolated population.
- In a cultural workshop devastated by the final apocalypse
- In the midst of the world financial crisis, the video documents the daily routine of waste picking and collection, bringing to light the look, the challenges, and the feelings of people who live from recycling.
- This television series about the brazilian performer Marcos Greick, who plays the Wolverine in CULTZONE Interview talk-show in the YTB.
- KULTZONE Kanal Nördlich is a digital television channel about mythology, knights, stories, heroes, tales and cinema, featuring characters, news, music, history, narratives, novelties, releases, trailers and fun, joy and art with the modern aesthetic of the seventh art.
- WENHUADÌQU Xin SàiJì Diànshì Píndào is a digital television channel about KungFu, games, anime, history, news and cinema with cartoons, martial arts, video clips, trailers, always bringing fun, joy and art with the modern aesthetic of the seventh art.
- Brazilian art calls for help. I support the Viradouro School of Samba.
- Feature film 60 min documentary, portrays rural unionism of Pernambuco. His main character is Euclides Nascimento, a great defender of the people of the countryside since the 1960s. Euclides Nascimento was born in the hands of a midwife in a house covered with clay. It was in the Cafundó mill, located in the Pernambuco municipality of Buenos Aires, that the peasant, still a boy, realized the abuses that the landowners imposed on the rural workers' rights. Founder of the first unions in the Northern Forest Zone of Pernambuco, formed by the church in the 1960s, Nascimento became one of the great agrarian leaders of that state. Even persecuted, he actively fought the repression of the dictatorship, managing to keep many unions free from intervention during his presidency of the Federation of Agricultural Workers of Pernambuco, FETAPE. After almost 50 years of struggle, his history is mixed up with the gradual conquests of the peasant class. The flag in favor of the organic unionism, managed by the "man of the field, for the people of the field" becomes his trademark and, despite the years passed, he continues transmitting his detailed narratives in the federations of the country to the new leaders that seek to continue the trajectory of his eternal walk.
- is a digital television channel about Fantasy, Comedy and Science Fiction from the beginning of the cinema era, when the Lumiere brothers created the first sets, Charles Chaplin filmed his first works and George Melies created his fantastic stories, besides Edith Piaf with her incredible voice appeared in her first performances with the use of the seventh art.
- The pornographic setting of Cinelândia Paulistana has a long history, both from the urban and social-cultural point of view.
- Boy walking down the street tries to recognize a guy coming towards him, but the fruitless search made in his memory causes a tension and the encounter culminates in something unexpected.
- The food market served in the streets of São Paulo through 3 points of view: those who study, those who sell and those who consume.
- Divided into three parts, "The Paradise Without Us Both" narrates the changes that Leopoldina Village has undergone through the encounter between the characters Lindner and Suzana. From the 90s, the old working-class neighborhood of Sao Paulo begins to house enterprises of upper middle class, luxury condominiums and infrastructure to meet the new residents. But this is only the backdrop for a love story, which is narrated throughout the film with animations, documentary, drama and songs by Roberto Carlos. Film produced during the course of History and Visual Sources taught by Teacher Zilda Marcia Gricoli Iokoi in the History Department of FFLCH-USP.