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- Vikramaditya Motwane apresenta esta história cativante sobre um agente penitenciário determinado a erradicar os problemas sistémicos que assolam a prisão de Tihar, em Deli.
- Thrilling yet poetic tale woven around an ensemble of characters and the gambles they're willing to take, in pursuit of their dreams, passion, ambition and love
- Segue um autor e sua esposa enquanto recebem uma festa e anunciam seu divórcio, revelando o absurdo das relações mais íntimas.
- A woman's world unravels when her veteran husband becomes entangled in a murder case. Battling his PTSD and mounting suspicion, she and their son take drastic measures to protect their family from falling apart.
- Um diretor de cinema arrogante sequestra a filha de um ator famoso e filma o desespero dele em tempo real para transformá-lo em seu próximo sucesso cinematográfico.
- It's 2024, and a mutated virus is turning Mumbai into a death zone. Meanwhile, four friends try to find each other and get to the last train to escape the city.
- Ayesha, a Muslim house-help, reluctantly takes on a one-day job at a Hindu household. She wants to be upfront about her identity, but when she introduces herself, the owner of the house mishears her name to be 'Asha,' a common Hindu name. Soon, Ayesha learns how differently people behave around you, if they think you are one of "them."
- When a sexual transgression is inflicted upon a pubescent boy by an older teenage male, the two silently ricochet between anger and longing, fear and denial while on a beach vacation with their families.
- On an eerie full moon night in Mumbai, a man with a box of chocolates boards a local train to go on a date. But as the train pulls away from the station the lights in the compartment suddenly go out, eerie noises are heard in the shadows and shit begins to go down real quick.