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- Two adolescent Navajo cousins from different worlds bond during a summer herding sheep on their grandmother's ranch in Arizona while learning more about their family's past and themselves.
- Inspirado na vida de Robert Pyle, um especialista em borboletas que decide desbravar uma das mais importantes áreas selvagens dos Estados Unidos.
- Daring to seek Earth's history contained in glaciers atop the tallest mountains in the world, Doctor Lonnie Thompson's life's work evolves into a salvage mission to recover priceless historical records before they disappear forever.
- On a long overdue camping trip, Prabha and his son Sid find themselves working through feelings about immigration, fatherhood, and aging. Made in collaboration with REI-Co-Op Studios.
- Spanning across 60 years, "The Trees Remember" is a series of compelling, reflective and sometimes humorous short fiction films that feature Black women of different ages growing and thriving in the outdoors - exploring connection through movement, stewardship and grace.
- Hello, Nature host, Misha Euceph, didn't know about the national parks until she turned 21. But after an experience in Joshua Tree and watching 12 hours of a national parks documentary, she sets out on a road trip to answer the question: if the parks are public, aren't they supposed to be for everyone? She goes out to see America to tell a new story of our national parks.
- Stories of encounters with impossible creatures in the wildest corners of North America, sit around campfires and talk about that thing that ran across the trail in the middle of the night, just beyond the beam of your flashlight.