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- Dog mora em Manhattan e está cansado de ficar sozinho. Um dia ele decide comprar um robô para ser seu companheiro. A amizade deles floresce, até que se tornem inseparáveis, ao ritmo de Nova York nos anos 1980.
- Jack sempre quis ter um irmãozinho com quem brincar e, quando Gio nasce, seus pais dizem que seu irmão é uma criança "especial". É aí que Gio se transforma em um super-herói com poderes incríveis.
- A love story between a lonely bar owner and a young African immigrant working in his restaurant leads to scandal and violence in a small Italian town.
- A laborer in Southern Italy raises his son after the sudden death of the kid's mother. He promised his son that his mother will come back to life, and now he must find a way to keep this promise.
- In a hot summer morning in 1444, in the fishing village of Lagos, southern Portugal, a group of African people was disembarked. In the field next to the port, they were given away as slaves to the local noblemen and merchants. For the next 400 years, more than six million Africans would be trafficked in Portuguese ships to Europe and across the Atlantic.
- Altitude: 4000 meters. We find ourselves in the Andes, Perou. Up there, near the clouds, where the llamas used to graze, brown water springs from the rocks. A teacher and her pupils are sampling the murky liquid in order to analyse it in the school lab. Later, from the samples, the pupils diligently extract tiny 'bugs'. And where there are bugs, there is bound to be life, right? Wrong. There is lead. Those invertebrates are a scientific proof that the water is contaminated. But who wants to believe them? Like so many others, the survival of the community of Huayhuay depends on the mine.... And while a miner is witness to the upheavals jeopardising his job, his own daughter comes to believe that, one day, things may change.