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- Una madre devota attraversa una crisi di mezza età e partecipa a un concorso di bellezza in una località balneare per rafforzare il legame con la figlia adolescente, affrontando le sue paure.
- A man named Pedro Chão lives in the river mouth where the river meets the sea. The place is one of the many exotic and paradisiac places on the north coast of Brazil. He's violent, truculent and authoritarian who mistreats his wife and children. Pedro Chão established himself in the region using riverside labor. He's used to exploit others specially women. Not only he has a very bad reputation, but he also deals a financial blow to his community and his head is put at a price. He completely loses his memory, slowly recovers and begins to realize that he was a "monster". Pedro Chão endure such suffering and will redefine his life, strive to win back his wife and children and try to leave behind the despicable man he was, correcting with great difficulty his past mistakes and misdeeds.