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- Kaohsiung served as an important military base under Japanese colonial rule and had incurred heavy casualties during the 228 Incident. The film subtly tends to the deep scars of the witnesses, survivors and their descendants as an act of resistance to oblivion. Memories survive through different eras of oppression and continue to live in people's hearts, just like the wild tomatoes grown in this land.
- In the summer afternoon, the families gathered to the old family home. They surrounded beside grandma to show their love. As people come and go, the television was still replaying and the fan was still turning in the peaceful old house, where grandma living with her maid.
- By playing around with individuality and collectivity using virtual reality Free UR Head questions and rethinks the definition of audience and explores the boundaries of choreography in a mutual relationship with digital technology.
- "Iâm-Tian Khu-Tiún" is a forbidden song, a legendary political figure who gradually disappears in people's minds. After 60 years pass away, the music gets on again. All the fading memories about the late 1960s, all the desires and crazy souls in the sleepless city which never sleeps are back.