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- Duke Fleed escapó a la Tierra y es un superviviente del planeta Fleed, que se enfrenta a la amenaza del rey Vega y su ejército. Duke decide contraatacar con su mejor arma: el todopoderoso Grendizer.
- An animated tale based on the history and culture of ancient Arabia.
- In Saudi Arabia, a grandmother keeps her Arabic heritage alive through telling folktales to her grandchildren.
- A man who fell into the desert has no memory. He is named Daisuke and hits it off with Koji Kabuto, who picked him up. As unidentified forces attack the Earth, a giant robot called Grendizer appears.
- Duke derrota a las fuerzas de Vega, pero pierde el sentido y vuela hasta aterrizar en la isla Ogami. Koji le sigue y, justo cuando conoce a Hikaru, la doncella de la isla, su archienemigo Cassado ataca la Tierra.
- La ira de Duke arde en el despreciable cassado. Hace correr a Grendizer, pero éste recuerda su promesa a Koji y se detiene. Duke lamenta haberse subido de nuevo y lanza gritos de agradecimiento.
- Reencuentro con Naida, amiga de la infancia. Trae un breve momento de paz a Duke. Sin embargo, se acerca a Duke como enemiga de su hermano Sirius. La espada del amor y el odio se acerca.
- Duke's sister, Maria, came to earth after her brother. However, Maria looks down on the unexplored planet Earth with girlish arrogance. Meanwhile, the Vega army will attack again.
- Teronna, a female knight who can be said to be Duke's best friend, landed on Earth. Unlike the previous Vega army, Teronna offers a fair game, but she condemns Duke as a planet sinner.
- Investigation of super-ancient ruins was underway on Aijin Island. A new weapon of the Vega army is released in the nearby sea. Glendizer is dragged into an unexpected battlefield and has a hard time. At that time, a mysterious shadow approaches.
- Duke receives a message from the flying beast and reunites with Rubina, who has come down to Earth. Duke begins to tell the truth about the tragedy on Planet Fleed.
- The Photon Power Research Institute is finally directly attacked by the Vega Star Alliance. It is invaded by a melee combat unit led by Blacky, and the place becomes a battlefield. Duke, who was imprisoned on suspicion of being a spy, is saved by Umon.