एडवांस सर्च
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- सहभागिता
फिल्टर खोजें
पूरी तारीख दर्ज करें
या बस नीचे yyyy, या yyyy-mm दर्ज करें
इसमें सिर्फ़ चुने गए टॉपिक्स वाले टाइटल शामिल हैं
मिनटों में
1-1 में से 1
- Beast: A Folktale is an 18th century Drama, Horror, and Fantasy short film. The story follows Liam, an indentured servant, as he accompanies the commanding hunter, Barker, and his obedient cousin, Alec, in greed filled pursuits. Nearing the end of his contract, Liam discovers Barker's true intentions, to keep him as a prisoner for his own personal gain. Desperately seeking his freedom back, Liam must unwillingly partake in a bounty for a deadly monster, where he may ultimately find some hope.