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- The Brazilian is a short, slapstick comedy about a girl (Polly) who is convinced by her best friend (Clair) that a Brazilian bikini wax is a genius way to win the heart of her long time crush. (Greg) The film focuses on the ever so comical events that take place while Polly endures this tormenting task of beauty.
- Mockumentary following a group of rag tag employees and patrons at a local microbrewery.
- The Divorce focuses on a woman who loses everything that means anything to her during the fallout of her marriage. She makes a seemingly harmless, yet somewhat bold gesture that, in the end, gives her everything she ever wanted.
- A young troubled women has the opportunity to seek revenge upon a trespasser of her past. This film takes place in the girls early 20's from NYC. The universe gives her the unique opportunity to run into her rapist from her teenage years. Revenge is served to her on a platter, and she takes it without looking back.