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- Um terrorista causa uma série de ataques com bombas e mortes misteriosas na capital de Bangladesh. Cabe a um grupo de elite da polícia, a missão de desvendar as pistas e encontrar o criminoso antes que seja tarde demais.
- A story surrounding a person named Javed Hasan and about his family, love, fallout and reunion.
- Set in the riverside Chandpur suburbs of the '90s, "Swapnajaal" at its core is the story of Opu (Yash Rohan) and Shuvra (Pori Moni), two teenagers in 'young love'. Their blooming romance take a dramatic turn south when conniving influential businessman Aynal Gazi (Fazlur Rahman Babu), with the help of his trusted aide Thandu (Iresh Zaker) tactfully oust Shuvra and her family from their home. Opu fights back to bring justice to Shuvra's family and to get back his love, but even after justice is served, there are bigger obstacles on the way to their reunion.
- The film revolves around a family's experiences during 1971, providing a poignant portrayal of the era.
- A Journey of 4 decade with love and passion. Things will arrive as certain threat while characters are moving through a real history. End turn to endless.