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- When the crew of a bankrupt cargo ship gets stuck on board for months, isolation breeds pressures that sink the men into a sea of madness and terror.
- In a Turkish village, three siblings who neither know each other nor anything about their late father, wait to bury his body. As they start to find out more about their father and each other, they also start to learn more about themselves.
- It tells the story of a 'less famous' becoming a little more famous.
- Onur is sacked from his job as manager of a pharmaceutical company and is not worried. But his wife Bahar is. Onur doesn't listen to her and becomes indifferent to her and the world around him. He'd rather be surrounded by more zebras.
- Hello, I'm Bartu, Küçükçaglayan.
- What do you want?
- You say nothing happens once.
- I won't let Emre touch.
- If you don't have money, keep being a porter bro.
- This is not Karma, this is sheer poverty.
- Uncle and Nephew can't staple two wings?
- Everything in this universe is moving forward. For example, bed bugs. What about Bartu?
- Real life will take you hostage.