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- Two actors are holed up in a remote house somewhere on the Argentinian coastline. The characters crosses the space-time threshold: Leon Trotsky, in his Mexican exile, asks André Breton to write the first draft of a revolutionary manifesto.
- A reflection about the gaucho tradition narrated through the love story of an elderly couple who is still living in the forgotten Hills in the north of Argentina.
- The journalist Andrés Oviedo must write about the murder of the young militant Mariano Ferreyra for the magazine in which he works. Oviedo conducts a series of interviews and talks with different relatives and friends of Ferreyra. The search for the truth and the reasons for the crime leads him to confront his editors, who displace him from the case. Given the complications that arise, Andrés hesitates to continue with the investigation, but the impulse of his daughter, from the same generation as Mariano, helps him to continue.
- An old champion bull undertakes the last trip of his life, from the humid Pampas to his last destination: the slaughterhouse. On his trip by truck across the plains, the voice of his thought recalls the strangest stories about Argentine meat and the influence it exerts on us.
- A teacher of the School of Popular Music in Avellaneda, together with his students, is digitizing around 500 original handwritten arrangements that are kept from Aníbal "Pichuco" Troilo orchesta. Through interviews to musicians from different generations and styles, this documentary makes a musical tour through The work of one the most fundamental characters in the history of Tango and Argentine music.
- Buenos Aires 2001. In a supermarket in the suburbs a chinese family decides to close the market for the fear of the looting being committed throughout the city. The days pass by and the family tries to keep their normal lives but the fear of outside lurking breaks in their family life, over and over.
- An inmersion into the life and work of playwright Mauricio Kartun. After two years of recording, the film shows the creative process of his 2011 play "Farm Salomé", a unique adaptation of the Byblical myth of Salomé.