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- Una mirada a la relación entre Séneca y Nerón, el infame emperador del que fue mentor desde su infancia y que le acusó de planear su asesinato.
- The warmhearted story of Polish immigrant and mathematician Stan Ulam, who moved to the U.S. in the 1930s. Stan deals with the difficult losses of family and friends all while helping to create the hydrogen bomb and the first computer.
- Art student SARAH (Nora Islei), who loves her freedom, has to go into a 14-day quarantine. As if that wasn't bad enough, she catches her boyfriend JONAS screwing someone else in their own apartment. The next morning, Sarah is caught cold by a registered letter from her landlord TEMPEL (Tim Wilde): 6 months of late payments. If she does not pay the debt within the next 14 days, she will be kicked out of her beloved apartment. The discovery: Her ex Jonas has not paid the rent as agreed, but rather invested the money in a cam-girl site on the Internet. Sarah could actually hope for financial help from her father (Gedeon Burkhard), but since she changed her studies against his will, the house is in trouble. No matter, she can manage on her own, in her own way. After a few miserable attempts to legitimately earn money from home, the pragmatic Sarah, facing the threat of being kicked out of her apartment, sees no other choice but to try herself on the very cam-girl site where her ex-boyfriend squandered the joint rent.
- A German actor accused of misconduct faces his darkest truths when a young woman from L.A. arrives in Italy, claiming he might be her father.
- Trilogy Part One - After losing his family in a accident, a man travels through Iceland to pay respect at their burial site as he meets a young traveler who ran away from Poland.
- Trilogy Part Three. An aspiring artist travels through France and Sweden as she encounters different celebrities. She quickly realizes that being surrounded by them only bring the worse out of her.
- Trilogy Part Two - A foreigner with Monophobia, travels to Berlin to see her brother to celebrate his birthday. What she finds instead is a swedish stranger who will lure her into a dark rabbit hole of fears