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- This film follows a young girl named Hope and her identity issues. She struggles trying to find acceptance and is forced to grow up fast. At a very young age she takes on the responsibility of caring for her mother who is a drug addict who is harboring a secret. There are so many mixed children and individuals that are looking for acceptance and have to struggle trying to fit in. This film will share that aspect of being a mixed race child. Some see it as beneficial but to others its a disadvantage.
- Two soldiers returning home from the Iraq war suffering from PTSD must learn to cope with everyday reality. One is ill mannered to the woman who wants to help him cope, and the other talks to a psychiatrist in hopes of getting back together with a wife who is afraid of him.
- When the Judgment starts to fly, See who is passing it.
- RobN is a former foster kid, who scams for all of the right reasons. He builds a family of strangers but they still have to earn his trust.
- RobN and Nia set up Lenz Master, Keisha tells RobN to keep his promise.
- RobN and Lenz Master team up to save Keisha, Hiya says no to a label deal.
- Keith makes a move on Nia, RobN tells Nia she can't trust anybody.