एडवांस सर्च
- शीर्षक
- नाम
- सहभागिता
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मिनटों में
1-3 में से 3
- The greenhouse gas emissions of the industrial societies will most likely destroy the ancient culture of the Marshall Islands. This is not only a local event, but also a universal warning to all people on earth. Using the fate of the Marshall Islands as an example, the filmmakers were able to demonstrate the impact of global warming and rising sea levels. It was particularly important for Viviana and Mark Uriona not to go to the Marshall Islands as filmmakers from the first world and make a film about those affected. They followed a participatory approach. They got to know the people on site, developed the film project together with them and therefore enabled a kind of empowerment. This unique approach to mutual exploration has resulted in an exciting, vivid and highly charged documentary that captures the most important topic of our time.
- The stories of six musicians meander along curvy federal roads through the breathtaking scenery of southern Mexico. The protagonists do not perform in the spotlight of big stages but earn their living with guitars and accordions in the narrow aisles of country buses. Dripping with sweat, they drown out geriatric motors while slipping through the tightening net of inspectors and controls. Beyond the roadside ditches, they philosophize about the qualities of fighting cocks, tout nutritional supplements or dress up inside filthy backstage rooms of Acapulco nightclubs while dreaming of their leap to stardom.