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- E se toda memória que o assombra pudesse ser apagada? O que aconteceria se algo horrível acontecesse com você e a pessoa que mais o ama pudesse apagar isso de sua mente? Você quer que eles façam isso?
- O missionário americano John Chau, de 26 anos, foi morto quando tentava fazer contato com um grupo indígena na costa da Índia, uma das últimas comunidades do planeta que ainda vivem isoladas.
- Apresenta a história da música de Camden.
- Como dublê do ator Daniel Radcliffe nos filmes da franquia Harry Potter, o trabalho de David Holmes foi visto em todo o mundo por milhões de pessoas. Até que um trágico acidente no set o deixou paralisado e confinado a uma cadeira de rodas
- The documentary follows the investigation of Sophie Toscan Du Plantier, a French film and TV producer who was killed while at her isolated holiday cottage in West Cork, Ireland, in 1996.
- An in-depth look at the life and music of Whitney Houston.
- Vinte e cinco anos após o veredicto no julgamento de Rodney King ter desencadeado dias de protestos, violência e pilhagem em Los Angeles, os cineastas examinam esse período tumultuoso através de imagens de arquivo raramente vistas.
- Alex Lowe's ill-fated climb and his son's arduous journey to return to the spot where his father perished.
- Follows the story of how a group of young women, unbeknownst to each other, were all victims of a predator who lured them to stay with him using Couchsurfing. The young women united and battled for six years, to bring him to justice.
- Follows Catesby, Wintour, and Percy as they aim to raise a revolutionary army, while captured Guy Fawkes endures torture in the Tower of London.
- Acesso exclusivo à artista premiada com o Grammy para celebrar a sua carreira.
- Um olhar sobre a vida da princesa Diana através do arquivo contemporâneo criando uma narrativa ousada e envolvente de sua vida e morte, além de revelar a atitude do público em relação à monarquia.
- In 2003, a 911 call reported the fatal shooting of a woman at the home of one of the most important figures in pop music in 20th century, the legendary music producer, Phil Spector.
- Dee Dee Blanchard appeared to be a loving mother and caregiver to her daughter Gypsy. But a disturbing Facebook post reveals a series of shocking twists and turns that reveals a darker truth.
- A young boy has doodled obsessively since he first held a pen. His compulsion intensifies until his home and mind are dominated by endless drawings.
- After surviving a plane crash, four Indigenous children, aged 11 months to 13 years, endure 40 days in the Colombian Amazon, relying on their jungle knowledge until rescuers locate them in a gripping tale of resilience and hope.
- Enter the global black market with Nelufar Hedayat as she sets out to meet the people trafficking illegal goods and those trying to catch them.
- Uncovering the hidden world of underground bare-knuckle fighting in Britain. With access to a fight club where men from all walks of life compete against each other in brutal and bloody battles.
- Minissérie de televisãoEm 2000, um grupo de criminosos londrinos planeja um audacioso assalto: invadir o Millennium Dome, roubar diamantes e fugir de barco pelo Tâmisa, mas a polícia os está vigiando.
- Uncovering stories about the most common ingredients in the human diet and the big business interests driving the global food chain.
- For the first time in its 100 year history British Vogue allows TV cameras to film behind closed doors granting unprecedented access to senior staff as the fashion magazine prepares to celebrate its centenary.
- Former "American Idol" contestant Clay Aiken runs for the United States Congress.
- Série de TV