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- Kristin kommt nach Südfrankreich, um Abstand zu gewinnen, beruflich wie privat. Ehe gescheitert, Job weg. Jetzt will sie noch mal durchstarten. Mit über 50. Aber: Geht das? Bis dato war ihr nicht bewusst, dass Frauen ab einem gewissen Alter "unsichtbar" sind. Aber Kristin lässt sich nicht unterkriegen. Mit Charme und Herzenswärme erobert sie in Frankreich ihr Leben zurück und wird dabei von sich selbst überrascht. Kristin kommt an die Côte d'Azur, um durchzuatmen. Mit dem Scheitern ihrer Ehe hat sie auch gleich ihren Job verloren. Denn sie hat in Justus' Firma die Buchhaltung gemacht. Die Einladung ihres ehemaligen Au-pair-Kindes Sophie kommt daher wie gerufen. Sophie ist hochschwanger und hofft insgeheim, dass Kristin ihr bei der Betreuung ihres Babys zur Seite stehen wird. Denn Sophie und Julien wollen das Kind zwar zusammen aufziehen, die Gründung einer klassischen Familie beabsichtigen sie aber nicht. Sie sind nicht ineinander verliebt. Kristin hat jedoch eigene Pläne. Sie will ihre Freundin Susanne in deren Textilmarktstand unterstützen. Und sie hat sich bereits auf einer Dating-App eingetragen, um einen neuen Partner kennenzulernen. Die App schweigt jedoch beharrlich. Erst, als Sophie Kristins Alter nach unten korrigiert, kann sie sich vor Matches nicht retten. Ihr erstes Date ist Michel, ein gut situierter Seifenfabrikant, der sichtlich enttäuscht ist, als er Kristin sieht. Seine höfliche Distanziertheit wird jedoch schlagartig zu heißem Interesse, als er hört, dass Kristin Buchhalterin von Beruf ist. Spontan bietet er ihr eine Stelle an. Seine bisherige "Kraft" war seine eigene Frau, die ihn verlassen hat. Ironie des Schicksals? Kristin lehnt kühl ab, schließlich hat sie den Job bei Susanne. Als ein Wasserschaden dann jedoch deren Ware unbrauchbar macht, dreht Kristin bei und heuert doch bei Michel an. Julien und Sophie halten davon wenig. Julien vor allem deswegen, weil Michel niemand anderes als sein Vater ist, mit dem er sich überworfen hat. Die beiden haben grundsätzlich unterschiedliche Sichtweisen auf das Geschäft der Seifenproduktion: Julien will nachhaltig arbeiten mit regionalen Produkten und einer umweltverträglichen Produktion. Sein Vater hingegen verfolgt ein klassisches Geschäftsmodell. Ökologie ist okay, aber nur dann, wenn sie sich rechnet. Natürlich fördert Michel mit seinem Betrieb die Region und beschäftigt nur Zulieferer aus der Gegend. Nachgeprüft hat er das jedoch nie. Das macht nun Kristin. Und kommt dabei einem handfesten Betrug auf die Spur. Um Fördergelder zu beziehen, hätte Michel Lieferketten nachhalten müssen, was er nicht getan hat. Und jetzt muss er die Verantwortung dafür tragen. Michel steht angesichts der drohenden horrenden Strafen vor der Pleite. Er ist mehr als verzweifelt. War er doch gerade dank Kristin auf dem Weg der Läuterung und wollte für Juliens Start-up bürgen. Kristin findet einen Ausweg aus der Misere, wenn auch einen schmerzlichen, und Michel ist überwältigt. Was für eine Frau. Je länger er mit ihr arbeitet, desto mehr verliebt er sich in sie. Aber auch Julien hegt ernste Gefühle für Kristin. Kristin weiß nicht, was sie tun soll. Eines ist aber auf jeden Fall sicher: Nach Deutschland zurückkehren wird sie nicht.
- Kilimanjaro mountain guide Simon has already experienced a lot, but he has never been entrusted with a group in which everyone thinks only of themselves: doctor Anna, the paraplegic ex-athlete Tom, the untrained teacher Joschka and his 25-year-old daughter Paula. They all have only one goal: they want to get to the top. Anna finds it irresponsible that Tom is in her group and that he is endangering his health and the safety of the group. She herself hopes that the hike will provide clarity about an important decision. Joschka wants to prove to his daughter Paula that he is there for her. But she has to give him a second chance to do this. It is only with difficulty that Simon and his partner Joseph manage to convince the individualists to set out on this five-day hike together. On the way it becomes clear why the 6000 meter high Kibo is not so easy to conquer: Primeval forest, stone deserts and snow fields make the ascent difficult; wild animals, thin air and the treacherous altitude sickness are even life-threatening. The goal, the snow-covered Kilimanjaro, always in sight, nobody wants to give up, because there is a lot at stake for everyone. Only when everything seems to conspire against the group do the four lone fighters learn that they can only make it to the summit together.
- When Paula arrives in Hanoi for a cook job, her passport is confiscated and soon after she is robbed on the street.
- Seventy-five year-old Harry, recently released from a prison term in Germany, travels to Nova Scotia where he and his wife owned a small island. On arrival he finds that the Island is now occupied by an eccentric woman, sixty-five year-old Susan, who is fleeing from a nursing home confinement. Both seek solitude and space and find a way to survive a series of adventures that help them both forge a new friendship.
- Moritz (11) convinced his mother to a special holiday on Cyprus, to meet there his unsuspecting father Aiven Bastekis, once her one-night-stand. Aiven, who runs the family textile trade firm, is startled and seems unwilling to complicate life further in his family, having a Greek father and Turkish mother. However his brother Elyas, who left the firm for his dream, opening a restaurant, passes Tina off as his fiancee at a family weekend, hoping to hush-blackmail Dario into helping him with capital. Both brothers and their parents are delighted with Moritz, the sort of son Aiven's partner and PA Stella can't give him and the family, despite defensive Tina's flight reflexes in spite of her actually budding romance with Elya. After the truth gets out in Greek drama, grandfather Dario comes up with an equally theatrical solution.
- A woman travelled to Denmark to look for her father she hasn't seen since she was very small.
- Die Familienkomödie "Mein Vater, der Esel und ich" lässt auf humorvolle Weise zwei unterschiedliche Lebenskonzepte aufeinanderprallen: Isabell Polak in der Hauptrolle einer verantwortungsbewussten Multi-Taskerin und Günther Maria Halmer als ihr abgebrannter Altrocker-Vater bekommen unverhofft die Gelegenheit, doch noch vom anderen etwas Gutes zu lernen. Regisseurin Imogen Kimmel erzählt unterhaltsam eine lebensnahe Geschichte. Das Drehbuch von Melanie Brügel versöhnt mit Widersprüchen und zeigt die Kunst, aus Fehlern zu lernen. In Gastrollen glänzen die Publikumslieblinge Saskia Vester, Eisi Gulp und Dietmar Mössmer mit lässiger Selbstironie. Für die Allgäuer Landpolizistin Tinka steht schon immer Verantwortung an erster Stelle - in ihrem Beruf, als Alleinerziehende und sowieso für ihre Familie. Um den unrentablen Hof ihrer inzwischen dementen Mutter Louise zu erhalten, verzichtet sie auf eigene Lebensträume. Dabei nimmt es Tinka sogar in Kauf, ihren 17-jährigen Sohn Flo zu belügen, warum er von Geburt an ohne Vater aufwächst. Vom eigenen Papa, der sie und ihre Mutter für seinen Traum einer Rockkarriere hat sitzen lassen, möchte Tinka nichts wissen. Als Hartmut "Bonanza" Zeller überraschend aufkreuzt, gerät Tinkas zwar hochtouriges, aber genau geordnetes Leben aus der Bahn. Wie sie schon bald merkt, treiben den abgebrannten Lebenskünstler weder ein schlechtes Gewissen oder plötzlich erwachter Familiensinn, sondern handfeste Geldsorgen nach Hause: Tinka soll ihm einen Anteil am Hof auszahlen, der ihm angeblich zusteht. Am liebsten würde sie "Bonanza" so schnell wie möglich loswerden. Der wiederum hat eine Gerichtsvollzieherin im Nacken sitzen.
- A baby shakes the life of a patchwork family.
- In a family of Berlin the father,the son and the daughter are spending all their time with electronic devices.The mother decides then to pick up these devices and to begin a digital diet.
- Claudia is traveling to Iceland for her son Patrick's dream wedding. She has a big surprise with her: she is the mysterious "new girl" of his best friend Alex, who even proposed to her and wants to turn the wedding ceremony into a double wedding. However, the secret lovers are waiting for the right time to tell the unsuspecting Patrick. Both fear that he might be unenthusiastic. Shortly after arriving in Reykjavik, Patrick gets a phone call that throws everything upside down for him: his fiancee Anna cancels at the last second. He also gets bad news from the start-up he set up in Hamburg with Alex. Patrick would love to fly back immediately, but a volcanic eruption thwarts his plans. Instead of celebrations and honeymoons, he has to while away the time with Alex, Claudia and his assistant Nina with a tourist program. Nina also has a secret agenda: she wants to seize the opportunity to win Patrick's heart.
- English history student Daniel Miller pays some rent at Molly Robinson's student B&B as resident handyman. Thus fixing the shower he bumps, uninformed, into undressed workaholic Marburg (Germany) history professor Nina Petersen who returned to alma mater Oxford for lectures on Holocaust victims after translating some letters for a book by her near-ex-lover professor Thomas Rothwell. Soon Daniel discloses one of the victims was his Jewish grandmother, from the last load of children sent oversea before the Crystal night. The three team up to investigate her fate, having been fostered out by her initial benefactor, lord John Addington, who initially refuses any contact with Daniel, but while Daniel and NIna fall in love, the letters lead to a two-sided joint family secret.
- After the death of uncle Olivier, his estate, a small chateau in Provence and the small town's only undertaker firm in its cellar, befall equally and jointly to his local stepson André Vidal, who runs the business since Olivier semi-retired ill, and German cousin, business consultant Charlotte. She arrives from Frankfort to sell the estate at the skyrocketing prices for such idyllic hospitality industry sites. André is shocked, determined to preserve the town'(s social fabric by preserving Olivier's heritage, and disappointed she doesn't even recognize him as childhood best playmate. It turns out the backward taxes are a ticking bomb, which she sneakily intends to ignite, only André's charms and the lavender-scented bucolic way of life appeal ever more even to businesslike Charlotte.
- Master butcher Maria Gissenwehrer wears her heart on her sleeve and makes no compromises. Especially not when it comes to her only passion: the award-winning white sausage, prepared according to an old recipe and refined again by herself. When her brother Kristian is out with a leg in a cast, the grumbler has to do what she is least good at - or dislikes: winning people over and convincing them of something in a friendly way. It is about the sausage in two senses, namely an export order to Argentina and the rescue of their ailing family business. With her pubescent nephew Caspar in tow, Maria reluctantly embarks on the adventure. Her first experiences in Buenos Aires surpass even her worst fears: White sausages end up on the grill, are abused with knives and drowned in ketchup sauce. Anyone who treats their specialty in such a barbaric way doesn't deserve it. Unfortunately, she still has no choice. In order to land the urgently needed major order, Maria has to jump over her own shadow. As usual, she tackles this challenge consistently. And in fact, quite a lot will soon be in motion - not only in the matter with the white sausages, but also in her life.
- Studly island cop Nikos Sakalidis, who also helps out in his family's B&B, gradually falls in love with routinely purse-robbed German tourist Jana Johannson, whose holiday on Mykonos with mother Susanne turns interesting when they bump into her so far ever-absent biological father, retired ship building engineer Jens Hansen, who lives on his sailing yacht but ignored having offspring. Laid-off Susanne expected Jens's financial help for Jana's veterinary study, but he's not rich and Jana doesn't want to 'beg'. Jana finds Mexican cash aboard Jens's yacht, presumable from the former owner, which he cashed in Athens. Nikos is ordered to arrest him as suspected drug dealer, but Jana seduces lover Nikos to risk his job, even the precinct' budgetary survival, to help prove Jens's innocence, helped by a hastily drug-trained street dog.
- Thorsten and Maja divorced two years ago, but they still go on the annual Mediterranean summer holiday with their young sons and stay in a villa on Elba. But this year Thorsten is preoccupied with a business deal and eager to return to Germany early without consulting the others. Maja resents his desertion, but the teens are absorbed by their smartphones; young Erik has given up bird-watching and Anton is into girls. Nobody embraces Maja's ideas for joint activities and visiting the town bores them. Maja abandons housekeeping and accepts an invitation from local Lorenzo; he and his adult daughter Bianca run a Glamping-site. This appeals to Maja as does the suave Italian model host. Thorsten is furious to be left alone with the kids without notice and worried about Maja and his crucial deal. The boys are more open to some adventure and family reconciliation.
- German careerist headhunter Juliane Paul, engaged to bureau CEO Kai Lenz, must recruit local engineer Juan Garcia for a Moroccan coast oil project during his home 'finca' holiday on Lanzarote (Canaries), so she goes visit her mother Eva, who runs a pastry bakery there in between environmentalist and naive campaigns. Eva makes her mind the shop but employed baker Diego has a family emergency, so she must find another for a wedding order. Juan, who dropped by to exchange airport-misplaced luggage, generously helps out and gets a crush on her, but she fails to identify herself and disclose her purpose. Private and professional interest seems incompatible, truth time promises to be bitter.
- Der Fischer kann vom Fischfang nicht mehr leben und möchte sich über Ferienwohnungen ein zweites Standbein aufbauen. Das Nachbarhaus eignet sich perfekt für seine Pläne. Er setzt alles daran, Britta zu vergraulen - wenn sie nur nicht so nett wäre. Der Fischer und seine Ärztin - klingt wie der Titel eines Kitschromans. Für Britta wird er in ihrem Urlaub in der Bretagne Wirklichkeit. Frisch von ihrem Freund getrennt, beschließt sie spontan, sich als Tierärztin in einem bretonischen Fischerdorf niederzulassen, und stößt dort per Zufall auf ihr Traumhaus. Und Yves, ein Fischer, den sie versehentlich mit dem Fahrrad über den Haufen fährt, ist sehr nett. Unglücklicherweise will auch Yves das Haus erwerben, das in einem anonymen Bieterverfahren zum Verkauf steht. Von der Fischerei können er und sein Vater nicht mehr leben, und er will sich ein zweites Standbein in Form von Ferienwohnungen aufbauen. Zunächst findet Yves Britta eher nervig als nett. Aber sie gewinnt an Boden durch ihre unerschrockene und positive Art. Als Yves herausfindet, wer seine Kontrahentin im Bieterverfahren ist, wird er von schweren Gewissensbissen geplagt. Denn Britta hat ihm anvertraut, wie viel sie für das Haus bezahlen will. Yves ringt mit sich, ob er dieses Wissen ausnutzen darf. Am Ende entscheidet er sich dafür, denn es geht schließlich um seine Existenz. Bevor er Britta reinen Wein einschenken kann, erfährt diese von seinem Betrug. Die Enttäuschung ist unendlich, das Vertrauen zerstört. Yves weiß das und sucht verzweifelt nach einem Weg, sie in der Bretagne zu halten.
- Die 57-jährige Hilde gibt gerne die Richtung vor - in ihrer Familie ebenso wie im Beruf. Deshalb geht es ihr nach, vor Jahren mit ihrem eigenen Restaurant gescheitert zu sein. Jetzt macht sie in der Burgerkette Quincys's zwar ihren x-ten Neuanfang, bleibt sich dabei jedoch treu: Sie hält sich nur an Regeln, die sie sinnvoll findet. Als Hilde von dem Filialleiter, ihrem eigenen Sohn Tommie gekündigt wird, setzt sie alles auf eine Karte: Zusammen mit ihren beiden Freundinnen, die sie schon zu DDR-Zeiten als Kantinenchefin im Team hatte, möchte Hilde das Sportheim übernehmen und dort hausgemachte Buletten anbieten - keine gewöhnlichen Hamburger, sondern "McLenBurger". Ihr Sohn, der als Hauptsponsor den Verein und heimlich sogar seinen Papa Ronnie als Jugendtrainer subventioniert, kann eine Konkurrenz aus der eigenen Familie nicht hinnehmen. Und er sorgt sich, dass seine Mama erneut scheitert, weil sie zwar reichlich Tatkraft, aber wenig Geschäftssinn mitbringt. Für Hilde gibt es jedoch kein Zurück.
- In Italy's autonomous region Southern Tirol, charming hospital doctor Marco Antonelli gets a mutual crush on ambitious, German-educated young cellar master Franziska Gasser, daughter of his grumpy patient, who still rents any contact, even medical care, with Italian-speaking 'invaders' in the former Austrian region. Both families oppose a mixed relationship, burdened by a bitter war time past. Franzi only returned to the ancestral vineyard to help out after her ingrate, domineering father Josef Gasser was incapacitated indefinitely in a car accident and is diagnosed with an incurable ear affliction, yet only her mother Theresa could make him accept help to urgently bring in and process this year's harvest, resenting any modernization or experiment, while Franzi intended to apply her oenology studies on a much larger estate, probably abroad. Mother agrees they may have to lease to estate to someone, the prominent candidate being Marco's father Antonio Antonelli, whom Terese however resents. Franzi meets the charming Italian and digs in grandfather's souvenir box which leads to the bitter family traumas, notably an ambush that killed Marco's grandfather in the 1960 riot, and Teresa's own secret.
- Isabel Burger has come to Creta to receive her inheritance-a villa and an olive plantation-.The notary Elias tells her that Sofia Kastanakis, a former wife of her father Klaus has a life right of living in the house.Then she meets the real estate agent Markos and asks him to find a buyer of the house.She arrives at the house and finds there Silas, the son of Sofia and also Nikos, the son of Silas.Later Isabel meet Sofia who is happy to know her.At the same time the administrator of the debts of Isabel puts Isabel under pressure: she must sell as soon as possible the property.Isabel wants that Sofia, Silas and Nikos can stay in the house.
- Klaus Wöhler travels to Mallorca with his 28-year-old daughter Stefanie to go on a multi-day hike through the Tramuntana mountains with his father Helmut. The non-sports person dreads not only the unusual exertion, but also the conversation with Helmut. What he wants to tell him is unlikely to please the domineering patriarch: Klaus is selling the family's dilapidated butcher's shop to finance the expansion of his restaurant. Helmut, who is very proud of the more than 200-year tradition of the butcher dynasty, has no idea. He also has to tell his son about an important decision on the way. Klaus, who doesn't have anything good in mind anyway, experiences the first unpleasant surprise shortly after leaving: Helmut has also invited his "missing" grandson Mark, with whom Klaus hasn't spoken a word since the death of his mother. A reconciliation with the dropout is out of the question for the deeply disappointed father. Klaus would like to turn back, but he can't get very far alone in the unknown and impassable terrain. So he has to rejoin the group, which leaves as a unit the next morning. With every step that Helmut takes with determination, the tension increases, what he wants to tell his family. But Stefanie and Mark also have surprises in store.
- Katrin can only dream of a happy family. Because the patchwork constellation with several involuntarily connected families puts their nerves to the test. In order to mend the fragile relationship with her 14-year-old daughter Saskia, she invited all family members to her confirmation. But Saskia recently moved in with her father and his new family, while the son of Katrin's new partner Philipp moved in with them and has been wreaking havoc on Saskia's room and Katrin's life ever since. A harmonious everyday life is out of the question, and certainly not a peaceful family celebration. Desperate and overwhelmed, Katrin drives her daughter into a rebellious anti-attitude rather than back into her arms. The moral indignation of Katrin's father Horst over his daughter's complicated and anything but functional family model also has so much explosive impact on the still young relationship between Katrin and her new partner that in the end the big question arises: Why are we actually doing this to ourselves? ?
- The marine biologist Henriette Stetter wants to spend again his holiday with her adolescent children Mara and Nils in Florida before the 18 years old twins will move to Berlin for their studies.But in his holiday Henriette has also a duty professional duty, she will free her tortoise "Lorelei" in a beach of Florida.Soon Henriette will known that Mara and Nils have others plans for their holiday in Florida.Besides Henriette will meet an interesting man, Miguel Perez.
- Everything could be so beautiful between Katrin and Philipp if it weren't for the dear (patchwork) family. There is hardly any time for togetherness in the hectic everyday life. But while Katrin longs for peace and quiet, Philipp has completely different plans. He surprises Katrin with a marriage proposal. Katrin doesn't know whether to be delighted or appalled. The disappointment about her last marriage to Frank is still too deep in her bones. While she gently tries to teach Philipp that she doesn't feel like getting married, the unbridled patchwork chaos breaks out over her. Julia, her ex-husband's new wife, moves in with her along with her children. Not only her sharp-tongued ex-mother-in-law Diana, but also Katrin's own mother Renate comes along to "help", which further increases Katrin's stress level. She only finds relaxation with Julia's stepbrother Marcel, who is passing through and lives according to his own style - which is extremely attractive to the battered Katrin. When Philipp and her mother surprise her with an impromptu surprise wedding, Katrin's heart bursts. The next day, Katrin regrets her outburst and wants to apologize. But some things in life cannot be undone. A marriage between Katrin and Philipp seems more distant than ever.