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इसमें सिर्फ़ चुने गए टॉपिक्स वाले टाइटल शामिल हैं
मिनटों में
1-28 में से 28
- मर्फी पेरिस में रहने वाला एक अमेरिकी है जिसका इलेक्ट्रा के साथ एक अत्यधिक यौन और भावनात्मक संबंध है. लेकिन उनके संबंधो में प्रभाव तब पड़ता है जब वे अपने बीच अपनी सुंदर पड़ोसी को ले आते है.
- A depressed musician reunites with his lover. However, their romance, which has already endured several centuries, is disrupted by the arrival of her uncontrollable younger sister.
- एक सरकारी एजेंसी में एक क्लर्क पाता है कि उसका अवांछनीय जीवन एक नए सहकर्मी, जो कि शारीरिक रूप से उसी के सदृश्य होते हुए उसके विपरीत भी है, के आने के साथ ही एक भयंकर मोड़ ले लेता है.
- संगीतकार बनने की इच्छा रखने वाला युवा जॉन को पता चलता है कि उसे उसकी क्षमता से ज्यादा मिल गया है, जब वह रहस्यमय और रहस्यपूर्ण फ्रैंक के नेतृत्व में एक विलक्षण पॉप बैंड में शामिल होता है.
- When a Spiritual Medium is called to give a seance at a mysterious hotel in Finland, his sanity is tested as the veil between reality and dream is ripped apart.
- एक महिला हत्यारे को आठवीं शताब्दी के चीन में एक राजनीतिक नेता को मारने के लिए एक खतरनाक मिशन दिया जाता है.
- A profile of an ancient city and its unique people, seen through the eyes of the most mysterious and beloved animal humans have ever known, the Cat.
- A coming-of-age story about a boy and his family who overcame great challenges by turning Disney animated movies into a language to express love, loss, kinship and brotherhood.
- Pierre and Manon are a pair of poor documentary makers, who scrape by with odd jobs. When Pierre meets young trainee Elisabeth, he falls for her, but wants to keep Manon at the same time. But the new girl in his life finds out that Manon has a lover. When she tells Pierre, the time comes for difficult decisions all round.
- A group of young people's trip to a remote villa takes a nasty turn after they encounter a obscure ancient cult.
- The life and love story of Argentina's famous tango dancers Maria Nieves Rego and Juan Carlos Copes, who met as teenagers and danced together for nearly fifty years until a painful separation tore them apart.
- The story of Finnish punk rock band Apulanta.
- The feature film (One half of me) is based on true events and tells an incredible survival story of a Finnish woman. Jaana is a bar owner and a mother of two kids. Her spare time hobby is equestrian. Jaana lives together with a charismatic but short-tempered partner, Marko. Jaana's life is about to take total change of direction as she paralyzes in a severe accident.
- Young adults go on a camping trip to an island with a sinister history, only to find out that there is actually a true side of the scary legend.
- A Finnish farming family struggles to make ends meet. With the promise of an end to their financial strife, they switch crops to a field of cannabis. But their problems have only begun.
- Chosen for a gene therapy trial, two elderly participants slowly start to de-age. But they react very differently to the change.
- Rise and fall of Finnish business 'training' guru at turn of 21st century just before the financial crash.
- For the first time ever in their 50 year long career, The Rolling Stones played in Havana, the capital of Cuba. The movie shows how music can work as tool of social improvement.
- Follows a friendship that is being put to the test by Alzheimer's disease.
- The film follows the life-journeys of two women living on the fringe in a rapidly changing country. A quest for identity, freedom and finding one's place in the world.
- Danny is an amazing story of an adventurer whom the world loves. The film is a documentary about the colorful, eventful and dramatic life of Ilkka "Danny" Lipsanen, a Finnish popular music artist with an exceptionally versatile career.
- Propaganda film for peace. Feature length documentary about radical political protest in the 60s and its relevance to today.
- Toimittaja Timo Niemi seuraa kuvausryhmineen Kuusaalaista, omien sanojensa mukaan autokauppiaaksi syntynyttä Pentti Pena Aulostetta, joka kertaa elämänsä vaiheita ja tietään automyynnin huippuammattilaiseksi. Penan mukana katsoja pääsee seuraamaan Aulosteen Auton arkea ja asiakastilanteita. Pena esittelee Niemelle ihmiset ympärillään ja omintakeiset keinot arvioida autojen kuntoja ja asiakasta. Mukadokumentti parodioi myös ajankuvaan sopivasti realitysarjojen tunteikkaita jälleennäkemisiä (Kadonneen jäljillä), life-style makasiiniohjelmia (kuten Strömsö) ja autotallisarjoja (esim. Monsteritalli). Penan elämää seurataan myös vapaa-aikana, luonnossa ja kotona tutustuen hänen perheeseensä. Lopuksi koittaa Penan automaailman fuusion suuri päivä, kansanjuhla, joka luonnollisesti päättyy täydelliseen katastrofiin.