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- Mystery struck thriller, as we follow our characters unravel the reality of a haunted life style and fight for survival. From the award winning team who brought you The Woods Encounters and The Icing on the Cake (La Quinda del Pastel) comes a new psychological thriller that will test your nerves to the limit. A fictitious story that is close to real life as you can imagine. When you live in a remote part of the world times stops and its up to you to decides if your daily events are real or not.
- Nerea is a girl who lives with her mother in a city where she hasn't made many friends yet. In order for Nerea to meet people her age and get out of her four walls, her mother convinces her to go with a group of young neighbors to spend a weekend in the Sierra. Some members of the group do not like this and Nerea will not have it easy to make friends. When they approach the farmhouse they have rented, they begin to discover strange things. Would it have anything to do with an old Altar they find in a nearby cave? They soon realize that they have gotten into an adventure that will not be easy to survive.
- Set in the 1970's, a driver crosses the border everyday at the exact time which causes suspicions. The police want to get to the bottom of it only to discover a mystery that will catch everyone off guard.
- A desperate mother pleads for help from two local witches in the 16th century to save her son. When things do not go to plan, the witches will find themselves on a treacherous journey to uncover the truth before its too late.