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- A Chinese Singaporean chef, formerly working in Tokyo, finds himself in Okinawa begging a disgruntled old chef to teach him traditional Okinawan food. A top Japanese food critic finds herself in Singapore on an eye opening discovery of Southeast Asian cuisine. In reality both are looking for each other after an emotional breakup years ago. Emotionally crippled by their breakup he searches her home-town for her but discovers instead the art of traditional Okinawan food. Through it he learns the incredible balance of two cultures: Chinese and Japanese - a balance they never had in their relationship. When she suddenly appears in Okinawa looking to find closure he cooks and serves her their final meal. Through it she discovers what she had been yearning for all these years.
- A coming of age romance for anyone who's ever had a crush. Since high school, Stan and Jenny have had crushes on each other. They wrote letters to one another over school holidays but in person they barely spoke; sharing only the occasional lingering glance and smile. Over the years they fantasized about how perfect they would be as lovers. Ten years later they bump into each other and have the chance to make it a reality but it's not that simple; self doubt, fear of rejection, of losing their fantasies will hold them back from what could be the perfect union.
- A bachelor pad, two struggling actors (Jimmy and Bob), a bunch of women, a love quadrangle and secret men's business. A coming of age story of two 30-something-year-old "kids" looking for meaning and love in all the wrong places.
- Banks control the world beyond our imaginations. When one bank strips away the livelihood of two young men they take revenge by joining an elite assassins training group; The Bang Bang Club. Only problem is the club has links all the way to the highest financial powers of the world,