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- What did the boys wish for that day? Twelve years ago, the three boys Haruhiko, Ryuta and Toru wished on a falling star from the same place. Now, they are all living separate lives. Ryuta is a driver for a Tokyo cabaret. Toru has quit his band and is working in a pub in his hometown. Haruhiko was working in a top-notch company, but went into debt and has now returned to his parents' home to borrow money. The three men live in a very real society in which one can't survive on the fleeting words of hopes and dreams alone. But one day, a small change comes upon them.
- High school students play kabaddi. They are handsome and athletic. A student was formerly a proficient basketball player, but was in trouble due to his personality. The basketball team kicked him out. A friend invites him and he accepts to join the kabaddi team despite his initial reservation. He is soon a convert.