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- Ein kaleidoskopartiger Rückblick auf den letzten Tag im Leben des italienischen Filmemachers Pier Paolo Pasolini im Jahr 1975.
- Arbeiterschicksal um einen HIV-positiven 34-jährigen Metallarbeiter, der sich als Pornodarsteller von Mann zu Mann hangelt, um sich finanziell besser abzusichern.
- Ein Leichenwagen fährt durch die Straßen von Medellin, während ein junger Regisseur im Sarg liegt und von seiner Vergangenheit in dieser gewalttätigen und konservativen Stadt erzählt.
- Nach dem arabischen Frühling mietet eine junge Frau ein Zimmer im Bordell des Nachbarn, wo sie von ihren sexuellen Wünschen und ihrer Identität träumen kann.
- Yves is living in hiding with his sons, Sylvain and Pierre. Two years before, he had abducted them from their mother after a judge ruled against him. But the boys are growing up now, and constantly being on the run deprives them of their adolescent dreams. Hidden on an island in the Loire, Sylvain, the younger, meets Gilda: love at first sight... and they are on their way to the good life?
- After 15 years Amanda returns home with her boyfriend to her family's sprawling farm in a village in plains of Brazil. She finds her father in a coma, entangling her in a disturbing settlement between the village and the farm owner.
- In the Peruvian Andes, two young children are raised in isolation by their father. A series of unexpected events will radically transform the only reality they know and will bring Sabina, the older sister, to meet her past and her culture.
- Jorge lives in the isolated Colombian mountains, working his father's land with proud. Everyone on his generation's gone to the cities. He stills, but also doubts. In his mind, memories of a huge love from the past.
- Khavaj, a young MMA (mixed martial art) fighter, fled Chechnya when his brother discovered his homosexuality and promised to kill him, under the persecution of Kadyrov's regime. In Brussels, facing the shock of exile, he is struck mute. The only link that he keeps with Chechnya are the vocal messages that his mother sends him. The film traces Khavaj's first months in Belgium. Forced to live in total anonymity to escape the Chechen diaspora, he will try to build a new identity.
- Seen through the eyes of family farmers in southwest France, AFTER WINTER, SPRING is an intimate portrait of an ancestral way of life under threat in a world increasingly dominated by large-scale industrial agriculture.
- In a universe that looks like nothingness, two beings seem to exist only to come into contact.
- Andrew is a disabled war veteran who lives outside of New Jersey. Some time ago he started to have virtual conversations with Alejandra, a Colombian single mother who works in a webcam studio in Medellin.
- A 75-year-old man stops for petrol at the "Yellow Jersey", a little isolated roadside restaurant on the final turns of a mountain pass. During the Tour de France in 1960, he had his hour of glory there, but also the biggest failure of his life.
- Saman lives in the Coptic district of Mokattam in Cairo. Every morning, he goes with his father to collect and sort rubbish and give food waste to their pigs. One day in April the Egyptian military government orders the slaughter of all the pigs in Mokattam. Saman decides to go in search of new pigs in Cairo. His journey is gradually transformed into a quest for identity.
- Vincent spots Jean-Christophe on the beach, bumps into him not so accidentally, and they hit it off during a fun evening and night. But the next morning Jean-Christophe reveals something that turns Vincent's life upside down. How will they get through the day?
- Jenniffer is a young athlete who questions her commitment to the Cuban national athletics team. Her mother Marbelis rules a health care facility in Havana with an iron fist. When her younger brother wants to leave the country, Jenniffer's doubts get bigger and bigger. This intimate and sensitive family chronicle shows a teenager in a country with an uncertain future.
- In an Argentina torn between deep conservatism and an unprecedented feminist drive, the film delves into the political journey and the intimate lives of Claudia and Violeta, trans women trying to live their lives.
- Franck treats the horses with his hands. With his children, he is loving and playful. With horses, he is patient and delicate. But when it comes to talking to Zita, he is silent. It is difficult to communicate with words. Gestures and vibrations then take over.
- A Tunisian musician, his Italian wife, and their marriage crisis. A trip to his bilad, his home town, for the first time with his children instinctively in search of his homeland and of his identity. Life of Marzouk is an intimate portrait of an attempt at integration which finds in love its only possible solution.