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- Nicolas, vive com sua mãe num loteamento à beira do mar. O único centro de atividade do local é o hospital. Lá, todos os meninos da aldeia estão sujeitos a experimentos médicos que pretendem derrubar as etapas de evolução.
- Dalia, filha de um famoso escritor falecido recentemente, herda a missão de terminar o livro do pai. Para isso, ela deve se tornar parte da história e ficar cara a cara com seus personagens, todos lutando para ser o protagonista do livro.
- Two friends meet 16 years after they left high school.
- Teo, an intrepid child, lives with his father Luis in Lima, an electrician devoted to the creation of a strange machine. Lured by a feeling of independence, Teo joins a gang of young criminals, bringing turmoil to the relationship with his father.
- Monsterville is a town inhabited by monsters who have grown tired of living among humans. But one day, a little girl named Hanna manages to trespass into their world, putting Monsterville at risk.
- After breaking up with Norberto who ran away to Iceland, Bruno wants to find him. Arnau, a local tour guide in Reykjavik, will enroll in his search. Their trip will become a grieving process until they reach the remote island of Grimsey.
- Two brothers wander the streets, looking for a way to get to their grandmas house. When the little brother confronts her sister because he wants to call home to tell their mother they are okay, the sister will have to accept the consequences of what made them leave the house.