
Kern Audubon Society News

Chapter, National and Birding News

Bird of The Week: Northern Emerald-Toucanet

The Northern Emerald-Toucanet, true to its name, has striking green plumage and occurs further north than any other toucan species, with a range extending into east-central Mexico. It belongs to a genus of multiple other small, green toucanets, but can be distinguished by its chestnut undertail and tail tips.

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Velvet-purple Coronet pair by Ngoc Sam Thuong Dang, Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Bird of The Week: Velvet-purple Coronet

Even among a colorful cadre of birds such as the Royal Sunangel and Glittering Starfrontlet, the Velvet-purple Coronet is a stunning standout. Easy to miss in shady conditions, where it looks black, this hummingbird’s plumage explodes into a shimmering symphony of purples, blues, and greens when seen in just the right light.

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Birding in Northern Costa Rica

This fifth trip to Costa Rica offers exceptional value. We work directly with our provider Crescentia Expeditions and guide Jose Pablo Castillo to maintain high quality, respect for the environment, and at an affordable price.

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Female Fiery Topaz on nest. Photo by Renata Biancala, Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Bird of The Week: Fiery Topaz

The male Fiery Topaz shines like a jewel as it zips around the canopy of lowland South American forests. This stunning large hummingbird has a lime-green gorget (throat patch) set off by an extensive coal-black hood and shimmering coppery-orange body plumage.

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